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Новости за 04.03.2016

La voie solitaire en attendant mieux

Le Temps 

A défaut d’une solution consensuelle avec Bruxelles, le Conseil fédéral propose un frein unilatéral à la migration. Pour sauver la recherche, il revoit sa copie sur la Croatie

Ligue 2. Dijon conforte sa place, Le Havre se rapproche du podium 

Dijon, 59 points, n'a plus perdu en championnat depuis le 9 novembre et sa défaite à Nancy 3-1 lors de la 14e journée, et s'approche à grand pas de la montée en L1. Hommage à Barbosa...Sous une pluie battante, les Dijonnais n'ont eu besoin que de cinq minutes pour prendre le meilleur sur Evian...

داود اوغلو، نخست‌وزیر ترکیه، وارد تهران شد


احمد داود اوغلو در اولین سفر خود به ایران در مقام نخست‌وزیر ترکیه، شامگاه جمعه در راس هیاتی متشکل از وزرای اقتصاد، گمرک و تجارت، ارتباطات و توسعه، حمل و نقل، و انرژی این کشور وارد تهران شد.

'I was going to talk to him and forgive him' 

A second here and a second there make all the difference. If he hadn't gone to latch a gate, Raphael Giles would have been sitting in the car when a giant Fonterra milk tanker struck it. Instead, seconds ...

How Danish Citizen Groups Are Pushing Back Against Harsh New Anti-Immigrant Laws

The Huffington Post 

COPENHAGEN, Denmark -- On a sunny September afternoon last year, the Danish consultant and writer Lisbeth Zornig witnessed something she had never seen before. Hundreds of refugees carrying kids and a few belongings were walking on the Danish highway on their way to Sweden, Zornig told me. She swung her car to the side of the road, opened the door to a Syrian family with two 5-year-old twin girls and, with her husband, helped them reach their relatives in Sweden.

That September day, Zornig embarked on a new route... Читать дальше...

Федеральные министерства "бодаются" из-за регистрации иностранных лекарств (Ленинградская область) 

Директор департамента общественного здоровья и коммуникаций Минздрава России Олег Салай заявил о просьбе к Минпромторгу обеспечить регистрацию лекарств в России без задержек, сообщает RNS.

Чудо-оружие: чем Украина собралась воевать с «агрессором» (ВИДЕО)

«Русская весна» 

Украинцы смирились с потерей Крыма. Почти три четверти украинцев — 72% — считают невозможным развитие событий, при котором Крым вернется «под крыло» Киева, чуть больше 15% считают возвращение полуострова возможным очень нескоро.

How Danish Citizen Groups Are Pushing Back Against Harsh New Anti-Immigrant Laws

The Huffington Post 

COPENHAGEN, Denmark -- On a sunny September afternoon last year, the Danish consultant and writer Lisbeth Zornig witnessed something she had never seen before. Hundreds of refugees carrying kids and a few belongings were walking on the Danish highway on their way to Sweden, Zornig told me. She swung her car to the side of the road, opened the door to a Syrian family with two 5-year-old twin girls and, with her husband, helped them reach their relatives in Sweden.

That September day, Zornig embarked on a new route... Читать дальше...

Goaltending fraternity split over Lundqvist's outburst 

ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) — Henrik Lundqvist was flipping mad that referee Trevor Hanson wouldn't blow his whistle to stop play. Run over by teammate Ryan McDonagh seconds earlier, the injured New York Rangers goaltender took the situation into his own…