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Новости за 09.03.2016

Иран готов поставлять нефть и переоборудовать ТЭС Украине - СМИ

Вестник Кавказа 

Украинская делегация посетила иранскую столицу с двухдневным визитом, в ходе которого также состоялось очередное заседание иранско-украинской комиссии по экономическому сотрудничеству. Киев также обсудил с Тегераном возможности поставок иранской …

Magic Virtues: "Don Pasquale" at the Metropolitan Opera

The Huffington Post 

There's a lot of Gateano Donizetti being seen at the Metropolitan Opera this season. There's the Tudor Queen cycle (Anna Bolena, Maria Stuarda, and Roberto Devereux, all starring Sondra Radvanovsky), the sappy L'Elisir D'Amore, and, most likely to be overlooked because of its mere 5 performances, Don Pasquale, which opened at the Met on Friday.

Molnár and Buratto in Don Pasquale

Donizetti's delightful 1843 opera buffa, originally written to showcase Luigi Lablache, Antonio Tamburini... Читать дальше...

Trumpery in America

The Huffington Post 

Trump stood in front of an audience in West Palm Beach, Florida following his Super Saturday victories justifying his penis size and boasting about what a "winner" he is. When asked a serious policy question on same sex marriage, Trump refused to respond, telling the reporter to "sit down."

This has been the theme of his candidacy. Appealing to the public through "showmanship," Trump has turned the presidential race into the ultimate reality show. Through one liners, insults, and fear mongering... Читать дальше...

FX Puts Their 'Trust' In Danny Boyle's New Limited Series


While Danny Boyle's "Steve Jobs" didn't get the box office love it deserved (it's a terrific film), don't lean on that fact to suggest that it explains his move into television for his next project. The director hasn't been shy about working on the small screen, launching the procedural "Babylon" starring Brit Marling a couple of years back. And now he's headed to FX for what sounds like a cracking series. READ MORE: Ranked: The Films Of Danny Boyle FX has ordered ten episodes for what will be... Читать дальше...

Поэтесса Саша Вебер поздравила женщин района с праздником весны на улице Рогожский поселок

Управа Нижегородского района 

Поэтесса Саша Вебер посетила библиотеку №123 ЦБС ЮВАО, расположенную на улице Рогожский поселок, где поздравила женщин района с Международным женским днем.

Boldly Going Where Few Have Gone Before: Meet Space Gynecologist Dr. Varsha Jain

The Huffington Post 

Once upon a time, not so long ago, people feared that if a woman went into space while on her period, the blood would reverse its flow into her body -- also known as retrograde menstruation -- causing pain and possible death. This was one of many false notions that kept women from being included on space missions because back in those dark ages even the world's brightest operated under socio-cultural misperceptions surrounding the still-taboo subject of a woman's "time of the month." It's been more... Читать дальше...

Frauenkarrieren in der Männerdomäne Film

«Kleine Zeitung» ( 

Die Zahl weiblicher Filmschaffender hängt auch an den Förderungen. Regisseurin Nina Kusturica sagte in einer Podiumsdiskussion in Graz: "Hätte es weibliche Role-Model gegeben, hätte ich mir ein Jahrzehnt Umwege gespart".

I am a Pakistani Indian....

The Huffington Post 

There is something about India as an idea which transcends the modern day political configurations. It is the idea of India as a huge mass of land which stretches from Balochistan to present day Bangladesh. This idea of India is independent of any political configuration. In fact during the past thousands of years, this mass of land has very seldom been a unified political entity. And yet there is something which loosely unites the inhabitants despite their substantial religious and at times even... Читать дальше...

Путин дал задачу избежать подорожания молока

«Федеральное агентство происшествий» (ФАП) 

Президент России в ходе встречи с министром сельского хозяйства попросил "не забюрокрачивать" процесс перехода на новые нормы контроля.

Does God Live in Our Zip Code?

The Huffington Post 

In her book, Epicureanism at the Origins of Modernity, the philosopher Catharine Wilson has asserted that "we are all, in a sense, Epicureans now." The biblical scholar N. T. Wright quotes Wilson, and calls her assessment "spot on."

When I was a young man, I thought Epicureans were people who ate foods with names I couldn't pronounce at restaurants I couldn't afford. And indeed, Webster's "simple" definition of Epicurean is "Involving an appreciation of fine food and drink." But we are clearly not all Epicureans in that sense. Читать дальше...