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Новости за 04.09.2024

"We should raise morale of our athletes...": Mandaviya on India's record-breaking Paris Paralympics tally (sports) 

New Delhi [India], September 4 (ANI): Union Sports Minister Mansukh Mandaviya urged people to cheer for para-athletes participating in the ongoing Paris Paralympics. The Indian contingent has added 21 medals to its growing tally (three gold, eight silver and ten bronze) and will have an opportunity to further extend its record medal haul in a single edition of the Paralympics. In the Tokyo edition (August 24 - September 5

Иско перенесёт операцию (футбол) 

Полузащитник "Бетиса" Иско получил перелом ноги в конце прошлого сезона, из-за чего пропустил Евро-2024...

Bce, Cipollone striglia Lagarde sui tassi. L'attenti in stile Draghi all'Italia di Meloni: 'Con debito troppo alto sovranità a rischio' - Finanzaonline

Sport - Google News (it) 

  1. Bce, Cipollone striglia Lagarde sui tassi. L'attenti in stile Draghi all'Italia di Meloni: 'Con debito troppo alto sovranità a rischio'  Finanzaonline
  2. Piero Cipollone avverte: la politica monetaria della Bce rischia di diventare troppo restrittiva  Il Sole 24 ORE
  3. Cipollone (Bce): “Spero che la banca centrale sia meno restrittiva. Su tassi spero in conferma dei tagli”  la Repubblica
  4. Bce, Cipollone: «La politica monetaria rischia di diventare troppo restrittiva»  Corriere della Sera
  5. Cipollone... Читать дальше...

Muller aspiring to stay in WEC alongside FE after Porsche move (ru) 

Outgoing Peugeot World Endurance Championship driver Nico Muller has aspirations to continue his sportscar career after joining Porsche for a Formula E campaign with Andretti.Muller stressed that his focus in 2025 would be his drive with the Andretti Porsche customer team in FE, but he has outlined a desire to race in the WEC or to pursue other sportscar opportunities with the German manufacturer ...Keep reading

Blues the most vulnerable in September

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (sport) 

Matthew Lloyd believes Carlton are the side most at risk in the finals, due to their injuries and recent form.

Adamek reaguje na hejt po Fame MMA 22. "Karierę zakończyłem już bardzo dawno" 

"Robił z siebie małpę", "kabaret" - takie słowa padały pod adresem Tomasza Adamka przed i po walkach freak fightowych ze strony środowiska bokserskiego. 47-latek w rozmowie z portalem WP SportoweFakty odpowiedział na krytykę. - Skoro mogę tu dobrze się bawić i zarobić duże pieniądze, to dlaczego miałbym odmawiać - przyznał wprost.

Осимхен подписал контракт с "Галатасараем" (футбол) 

Нападающий "Наполи" и сборной Нигерии Виктор Осимхен подписал контракт с "Галатасараем". Речь идёт об аренде до конца сезона без права выкупа. Осимхен выбрал себе 45-й номер. На данный момент клубы изучают документы...

Jeux paralympiques 2024 : Florian Jouanny offre le bronze à la France dans l’épreuve du contre-la-montre en H2 

Florian Jouanny a décroché la médaille de bronze ce mercredi lors du contre-la-montre H2. Même résultat qu’il y a 4 ans ) Tokyo au Japon. Jouanny, para-cycliste français de 32 ans obtient ainsi une quatrième médaille paralympique au terme des 14,2 km d’un tracé exigeant situé en Seine-Saint-Denis. Le tricolore termine avec 45 secondes 5 […]