Sport 24/7

Новости за 25.04.2024

Power didn't have any defense against Dixon due to tire strategy (sports) 

Dixon sliced ahead of Power on lap 24, taking the benefit of his fresh set of alternate tires, and went on to score a famous victory by managing his fuel saving to perfection.Power started the race from the front row on his softer-compound rubber, and jumped ahead of poleman Felix Rosenqvist at the opening corner.He extended a 6.5s lead only for Christian Rasmussen to cause the races sole ... Keep reading

Why Audi and Verstappen have complicated Formula 1s driver market decisions (sports) 

But while we have had some important decisions made already like Lewis Hamilton to Ferrari and Fernando Alonso re-committing to Aston Martin there remains a great deal still to be sorted.What is perhaps most fascinating though is that not everyone is running to the same timing agenda, and that has left things hugely complicated for both drivers and teams as they try to plot their best path ... Keep reading

Penske's Newgarden loses St. Pete IndyCar race win after violation (sports) 

Both drivers were struck from the results for wrongfully being able to use push-to-pass on restarts. The third Team Penske entry ofWill Power received a 10-point penalty but was not stripped of his finish as he did not use it on restarts.As a result, 45 days after the checkered flag flew, Arrow McLarens Pato OWard was promoted to the victory, with Power moved up to second and Andretti ... Keep reading

Auction raises more than 50K for Craig Breen Foundation (sports) 

To mark the one-year anniversary since the loss of much-loved World Rally Championship driver Craig Breen, an auction was set up. The Hyundai WRC team, which Breen drove for from 2019-2021 and in 2023, supported it by donating a host of items.The list of items up for auction included crash helmets worn by WRC drivers Thierry Neuville and Ott Tanak last year, a pair of Dani Sordos Hyundai WRC ... Keep reading

Сезон-2023/2024 — самый результативный в истории АПЛ среди чемпионатов из 38 туров

Чемпионат.com (футбол) 

Текущий сезон-2023-2024 английской Премьер-лиги стал самым результативным в истории турнира для сезонов с 20 клубами, в которых каждый участник розыгрыша проводил по 38 матчей, сообщает Squawka.


ФК «Шинник» (Ярославль) 

Сегодня свой 39-й День Рождения отмечает массажист команды "Шинник" Константин Константинович Прохоров!

Audi готова предложить Карлосу Сайнсу пожизненный контракт 

По окончании сезона 2024 года Карлос Сайнс покинет заводскую команду Ferrari — в Формуле 1 на 2025 год у испанца пока нет места. И пока сам пилот изучает возможные варианты трудоустройства, представители будущего коллектива Audi хотят, чтобы гонщик стал частью их проекта. При этом немецкий автопроизводитель даже готов на определённые уступки.

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Bugün yağmur var mı, yağacak mı? 25 Nisan Ankara'da yağmur yağacak mı?


Bugün yağmur var mı, yağacak mı? 25 Nisan İstanbul ve Ankara'da yağmur yağacak mı, şekillerinde merak edilenler bulunuyor. Vatandaşlar yaşadıkları il ve ilçede bugün yağmur yağar mı bilgisini edinebilmek için birbiriyle yarışıyor. Konuyla ilgili bugün yağmur var mı, yağmur bugün yağar mı şeklindeki bilgilere siz de ulaşabilirsiniz. Meteorolojiye göre bugün hava nasıl?
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Klopp stanął przed wszystkimi i nagle wypalił. "Przepraszam" 

Liverpool przegrał 0:2 z Evertonem i niemal wypisał się z walki o mistrzostwo Anglii. Na cztery kolejki przed końcem oddanie trzech punktów w derbach miasta stawia zawodników Juergena Kloppa w niezwykle trudnej sytuacji i daje rywalom, zwłaszcza Arsenalowi, znacznie większe szanse na tytuł. Po spotkaniu niemiecki szkoleniowiec nie krył rozczarowania i przeprosił kibiców. - Wiem, jakie to trudne - mówił Klopp.