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TWICE MOMO “I’ve never imagined a life withou dance”


Momo’s Endless Movements.

Top and pants by Versace. Necklace by Swarovski.

GQ It’s the first time SongEun Art Space has allowed a photoshoot inside. This means you’re the very first artist to shoot here. How did you feel when you first walked in?
MM It smelled like an art museum. (Laughs) You know that unique smell art museums have? It’s hard to describe, but it felt luxurious and kind of exciting. It feels like another world.
GQ We chose “performance” as the theme. Did being in this different space make you feel different?
MM It was refreshing. When I first heard about the concept for the photoshoot, I knew it would have a unique vibe, but experiencing it firsthand felt really new and cool. I just tried to blend into the atmosphere the space created.
GQ Kind of like listening to the air around you? Recently, I read the book Endless Movements about the German dancer and choreographer Pina Bausch. She said that dance can be anything. I recalled that line while watching you move, not caring whether the soles of your feet turned black. Do you remember the first time you felt that dancing is fun?
MM I’m not sure when I first felt that way because I’ve danced for as long as I can remember. When I was three, I followed my older sister to her dance academy, but apparently, I started dancing along in the back because it looked fun. They said I wanted to learn to dance after that. Even though I wasn’t old enough, the academy let me join. I don’t remember any of this. (Laughs)

Top and pants by Versace. Necklace by Swarovski.
Top and pants by Versace. Necklace by Swarovski.

GQ What’s your oldest memory related to dancing?
MM I don’t know if this counts as dancing, but it was during an audition. I did sign language while singing, and a judge was so moved they cried. I vaguely remember that moment. That’s my first memory.
GQ What do you think moved that judge so much?
MM I have no idea. I don’t think I was thinking much. (Laughs)
GQ Do you think you became a good dancer because you liked to dance, or do you like dancing because you were good at it?
MM When I was young, I danced because I loved it. I wasn’t that good, but I loved dancing in front of people. I liked the way they responded to my dancing, and that’s when I realized it was fun.

Black bodysuit top by Marc Jacobs. Skirt by Rick Owens. Necklace by Vivienne Westwood. White skirt is stylist’s own.

GQ You’re usually quite introverted and shy. How do you become so different when you dance? Does dance bring out another side?
MM I know, right? I’ve never really thought about it. But now that you mention it, I guess I’ve always been different when it comes to dancing. During dance class, I needed to be in the front row, right next to the teacher. Normally, I’m not the type to seek attention or stand out, but when it came to dancing, I was different.
GQ I guess it means you’re a born dancer. In a previous interview, do you remember what you said you always take when you go on tour?
MM (Whispering) No, I don’t remember.
GQ You said, “Myself.”
MM Really?
GQ You had to answer on the spot, but sometimes those answers are the most genuine. What did you mean by taking yourself?
MM Why did I say that? You’d have to ask the old me.

Dress by Tory Burch.
Dress by Tory Burch.

GQ Observing you throughout the years, I always felt you seem to know how to make yourself happy and take care of yourself.
MM I think I do. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Even when you eat something delicious, it tastes better if you’ve earned it. Whether it’s today’s photoshoot or going to a fashion show, I feel happier after taking care of myself. Then I can eat something delicious and really enjoy it.
GQ That explains your motto, “You need to work hard to eat well.” Do you think you’ll ever lose that mindset?
MM Maybe later, I’ll just want to enjoy something without working for it. Maybe I’ll say, “Please, just let me just eat it!” (Laughs)
|GQ Your dance style is very unique, because it seems truly yours. You also said in an interview, “I prefer to be myself rather than try to be someone else.” What does it mean to be yourself?
MM Just be who you are.

Dress by Wooyoungmi.

GQ When I interviewed Jeongyeon, she described you as a friend she can talk with about anything. What I heard was: “Momo sees me for who I am.” It made me think you’re a warm person. How do you see yourself?
MM Hmm… I guess I’d say I’m warm. Strangers might think I’m not because I’m shy and don’t talk much, but people who know me understand that’s not the case. But I don’t go out of my way to ask people to see me as warm.
GQ I noticed this when I was interviewing Chaeyoung, Jihyo, and Jeongyeon, but it’s amazing to see the close bond between the nine members of TWICE.
MM It amazes me too. I’m really grateful to have met these girls. Most of us are introverted and not very interested in meeting new people, but honestly, everyone is so nice. I couldn’t have done this alone. We’ve gone through so much together, and that’s how we’ve come this far. Even when things were tough and we were busy, knowing I wasn’t alone made it okay. We were fine because we went through it together.

Dress by Wooyoungmi.

GQ Is there anything that the other members don’t know about you?
MM I don’t think so. I share everything. If something bothers me, it shows, so they can just tell. I’m not good at pretending everything is fine when it’s not.
GQ Is there anything you’re curious about these days?
MM I’ve been thinking a lot about what happens after we die. You know that reality show Possessed Romance? We watched it recently and one of the members asked if we believe in ghosts. That got me really curious. I even looked it up online before going to bed. (Laughs)
GQ Do you think there’s an afterlife?
Momo I hope so. The idea of becoming nothing is the scariest.
GQ If you were reincarnated, what would you want to be? You once said you’d like to be a pig for a day because you’re curious about how they think.
MM Now, I’d like to try being a capybara or a raccoon, but a pig would still be interesting. I’m curious about how they think. Since I have dogs, I often wonder what goes through their minds, though sometimes it’s kind of obvious. Ultimately, I’d like to be reincarnated as a person. Would I want to be part of TWICE again? Of course, if that’s possible! But I’d also like to try being a male idol and dance more aggressively. That sounds fun.
GQ Do you have ambitions to expand in dance?
Momo Absolutely. I want to try bolder moves than what we do in TWICE. For the past two years, I’ve been taking lessons from Junho (stage name J-Ho) of Just Jerk whenever I can. I love his dance style. It’s fun and reminds me of when I was first starting out and danced all genres, like popping and locking.

Dress by Miu Miu.

GQ What drives you to dance?
MM I’m always dancing. At home, I turn on YouTube and dance in front of my dogs like they’re my audience, or I dance in the shower while listening to music. My song choices depend on my mood. I follow choreography for idol music and freestyle to pop songs.
GQ Does freestyling lead to creating your own choreography? You’ve created dance breaks before. Does coming up with your own choreography make it feel more like your own?
MM For me, it’s the opposite. I created the dance break for “Likey,” and that was fun, but I find it more enjoyable to interpret someone else’s choreography in my own way. I feel more creative adding my style to a dance that’s new to me.
GQ How do you add your own style to a new dance?
MM When I first learn a dance, I try to mimic it as closely as possible. I’m good at imitating. Then, I make it my own by deciding which parts to highlight and which to tone down. I don’t overthink it. I just go by feel.

Dress by Miu Miu.

GQ Somehow, I think you’d be great at acting. I heard the actress Jeon Jong-seo is a huge fan of yours.
MM Actually, I’ve been thinking about whether I should go into acting. Maybe I should give it a shot?
GQ Have you ever imagined a life without dance?
MM No, I’ll only think about it if I get too old or injured to keep dancing.
|GQ Do you still think you wouldn’t have had a job if you hadn’t become a singer?
MM I can’t think of anything else I’d like to do. I’ve danced for so long that if I’m not dancing, it feels like I’m not doing anything.