“It Is What It Is”: Zack Snyder Responds To Reviews Of 'Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice'
It's been tragically amusing watching certain segments of fandom —particularly those who haven't seen the movie yet— defend the critical pummeling "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice" has taken. Some believe that film critics are part of a cabal that met in secret before the blockbuster was released and all agreed to pan it. Others say that critics just don't understand comics, and that DC is different than Marvel, and therefore, 'Dawn Of Justice' succeeds by virtue of taking a different tone. The truth is that Zack Snyder's movie is a narrative jumble, is overstuffed and does all it can to mute any of its good ideas with often half-baked spectacle. For the things that do work, there are just as many that don't —it's wildly uneven. But asked by Yahoo! about the critical reception, the director is nonplussed.
“I’m a comic book guy and I made the movie based as much as I could on that aesthetic. And so I don’t know how else to do it 100%, so it is what it is,” he said.