From Maidstone's 125-million-year-old resident to the extent of its nuclear defences here's ten fascinating historical facts about the county town.
There were queues at a development in Greenhithe as people secured new homes.
A detached property previously owned by Kent County Council has sold for almost half a million pounds at auction.
The Mayor of Maidstone has opened the first two phases of a major regeneration scheme bringing 200 new homes to the county.
The family of a backpacker who died along with two sisters in a waterfall accident in Vietnam are continuing their quest to find out what happened.
Unbekannte Täter schlugen die Scheibe eines in Greifenburg abgestellten Fahrzeugs ein und entwendeten zwei Motorsägen im Gesamtwert von rund 1500 Euro.
In der Hilmteichstraße sowie in der Heinrichstraße ist aufgrund von Grabungsarbeiten in den kommenden Tagen mit Verzögerungen zu rechnen.
Recent reports of criminal activity from our local law enforcement agencies.
Увидеть работы автора и остаться равнодушным невозможно. Видео
Около ста камер бдительно следят за жизнью Рязани. Сегодня система "Безопасный город" помогает раскрыть сотни преступлений. Полицейские тщательно следят за ситуацией. Современные технологии позволяют увидеть номер автомобиля и даже лицо человека.
Президент России Владимир Путин в пятницу, 18 марта, осмотрел площадку строительства участка Керченского моста и пообщался со строителями, сообщают РИА Новости.
Читать дальше...Погиб сотрудник полиции, трое ранены. В Турции произошёл теракт: в городе Нусайбин (провинция Мардин) на мине подорвалась машина, погиб полицейский, сообщает агентство DHA. Уточняется, что в квартале Диджле города Нусайбин 18 марта взорвалась бронированная машина, на которой ехали...
A WOMAN who told police her illegal giant Flemish rabbit Boo was actually a guinea pig in an attempt to save his life has vowed to move to NSW to be with her beloved bunny.
THE collision of mines and farms on the Liverpool Plains is the hot-button issue as sitting member Barnaby Joyce and challenger Tony Windsor lock horns in the battle for New England.
THEY are young, smart and determined to save one of Australia’s most precious food bowls. Now they have taken their campaign to protect their land from the ravages of mining to Premier Mike Baird.
MALCOLM Turnbull has gutted the Safe Schools program, removing controversial content and ordering parental consent before the scheme is taught in classrooms.
MEMBERS of the public have been invited to mentor prisoners on parole to help them adjust to life on the outside, a new program that detractors warn could put the safety of volunteers at risk.
WITH a fire raging around her, Shazia Yousuf’s motherly instincts kicked in — she had to save her baby’s life. And with the help of some enterprising and brave neighbours, she did so.
THE mother-in-law of Islamic State terrorist Khaled Sharrouf has flown to the Middle East on a mission to try to find her grandchildren who are trapped in Syria. It is a journey swathed in doubt and sorrow for Karen Nettleton, whose daughter Tara died last year in the war-torn zone.
On les croyait inoxydables, et pourtant. Certains artistes rares acceptent de s'associer à des marques qui développent un marketing alternatif et une caution tendance. A l'instar de Supreme dans le streetwear.