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Новости за 18.03.2016

6 Things to Look for When Hiring a Health or Fitness Coach

The Huffington Post 

If you ever check your Facebook feed, or hit up a yoga class or the gym, you are bound to find a coach of some kind. There are health coaches who focus on fitness and nutrition via supplements, shakes, and workout programs; there are life coaches who help you figure out where you can realign your lifestyle to meet your goals, and there are career and business coaches who can help you figure out how to get your dream job or build your dream business. There are Certified and Integrative Health Coaches... Читать дальше...

Q&A With Business Education Expert

The Huffington Post 

There is nothing I value more in the professional world than education. As both a business owner and business instructor, I understand how important the right education is in the success of any business.

That's why it's so troubling that the vast majority of business education centers around teaching students how to be an employee when 30% of the U.S. workforce is self-employed. Some of these business owners are job creators, and others are micro businesses (with less than five employees). Читать дальше...

Пряные травы для мест с притенением

Блог сайта «Огород без хлопот» 

Пряные травы никогда не выходят из моды. Сегодня они активно перекочевывают с грядок и аптекарских садиков и на цветники, и в рабатки. Ведь кроме прекрасных целебных и кулинарных достоинств у них есть и немало декоративных преимуществ. Уникальная текстурность, необычные окрасы листьев, душистость и красота цветения – лишь несколько из них. И в своих талантах пряно-ароматические растения не ограничены даже условиями выращивания. Ведь несмотря на то, что большинство растений являются южанами, свои... Читать дальше...

Гандболистка Манагарова надеется попасть в сборную России и сыграть на ОИ-2016

«Р-Спорт» ( Агентство спортивных новостей 

Уроженка Украины гандболистка Юлия Манагарова заявила, что надеется попасть в сборную России и принять участие в Олимпиаде-2016 в Рио-де-Жанейро.

Nine Things to Know Before You Hire a Home Inspector

The Huffington Post 

Everyone knows that buying a home is a huge financial and emotional commitment. Most of us purchase a home just a few times in our lifetime. It's full of countless decisions: Is this the right house for my family? Is the neighborhood where we want to live? Can we afford it? Unfortunately, one of the first and most vital steps in the home buying process is often overlooked - hiring a qualified home inspector.

The home inspection can make or break your home purchase. The inspection should uncover any structural issues... Читать дальше...

How I Got There: Angela Hewitt

The Huffington Post 

Angela Hewitt is one of the world's leading pianists. Hewitt has performed around the world in recitals and as a soloist with orchestras. Born into a musical family, Hewitt began her piano lessons when she was three years old and started performing in public at four. A year later she won her first scholarship. Since her triumph in the Toronto International Bach Piano Competition, Hewitt has been widely recognized as the world's finest interpreter of Bach.

Hewitt has won many prestigious awards... Читать дальше...

Syrian Refugees Sponsorship: The Costs And Procedure in Canada

The Huffington Post 

My awesome friend Daris has been raising funds for the past few months to sponsor a Syrian family to come live in her city of Chilliwack, British Columbia. And now the family has arrived! Here is an interview we did, talking about how much it costs to sponsor a family, and how to do it. I hope you will love this story as much as I did, this is a wonderful initiative from a wonderful community.

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Комиссия по внутренним делам распорядилась возобновить фторирование воды

Вестник News 

Парламентская комиссия по внутренним делам одобрила решение министра здравоохранения Яакова Лицмана возобновить фторирование водопроводной воды. Радиостанция "Решет Бет" сообщила, что это решение поддержали 11 членов комиссии, против были трое парламентариев. Согласно этому решению, уровень фтора составит 0,7 мг на литр воды. Добавлять фтор в водопроводную воду в Израиле начали в 80-е годы прошлого столетия. Фторирование стало частью государственной программы по борьбе с кариесом у детей. При этом... Читать дальше...