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Новости за 08.03.2016

Virginia law a major victory for fantasy sports

Las Vegas Review-Journal 

The governor of Virginia has signed a bill into law that permits fantasy sports websites to operate in the state provided they follow certain guidelines.

En virée dans un film de Scorsese...


“A tombeau ouvert”, qui passe en ce moment sur TCM, est un film mal aimé. Mais avoir rencontré le romancier à l'origine de l'œuvre valait le détour à New York.

ROPEC in Focus: Will Russia End Up Controlling 73% of the World's Oil?

RIA Novosti  

Russia has all the chances to emerge “as the de facto leader of the major oil producing nations of the world, accounting for almost 73 percent of the global oil supply”; and in fact has already taken some of the required to do so, according to US-based oil expert Rakesh Upadhyay.

S Kollárom ľudia kupovali mačku vo vreci


Boris Kollár so 6 % porazil vo voľbách aj dlhoročné strany. Podľa sociológa mu k úspechu pomohli smotánkovské akcie a fanklub na sociálnej sieti.