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Новости за 06.03.2016

В Самаре завершились соревнования по дзюдо

Министерство внутренних дел РФ 

В Самарском соединении внутренних войск МВД России завершился чемпионат по дзюдо, посвящённый памяти Героя России Евгения Золотухина.

Мой дом: Читатели спрашивают, жалуются, благодарят (Даугавпилс) 

«В последнее время печальная ситуация с горячей водой, – жалуется Юлия с Киегелю, 18 в Калкунах. – Она бывает редко. Даже если долго пропускать – не помогает. На этих выходных была еле-еле теплая. Полотенцесушитель также холодный. Куда обращаться?» text

FAFWA projects low tax impact for new Performing Arts Center (copy)

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

030616-lt-nws-fine-arts-fafwa-tax-impactThe Fine Arts Foundation of the Westby Area (FAFWA) is pushing full steam ahead in its efforts to raise $1 million dollars toward the construction of a Community Performing Arts Center before the April 5 spring general election when taxpayers…

Humans join owl war in California

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

SAN JOSE, Calif. (TNS) — The barred owl has speckled brown wings, teddy bear eyes and a hoot that sounds like a puppy mouthing a sock. This one also has a red laser dot on its head. After getting a…

Obituary: Judith 'Judy' A. Cagle

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Judith "Judy" A. Cagle, 73, of La Crosse passed away Tuesday, March 1, 2016, at Gundersen Health System.

Charlie (Charles) Myron Drake

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

SPARTA -- Charlie (Charles) Myron Drake, 64, of Sparta passed away Friday, Feb. 19, 2016, surrounded by his loved ones at his son Cory's home in West Salem.

Altra employees lose weight, cut costs ... with a WOW

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

Laura Flottmeyer and Alissa Shepard have experienced robust reductions that illustrate the WOW factor of the Working on Wellness program their employer has in place.

Zion Lutheran's organ project 7 years in the making

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

APPLETON, Wis. (AP) — A longer-than-expected journey will soon result in one of the grandest musical instruments to have a home in the Fox Valley.

Women in History:

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The 2016 Women’s History Month theme is “Working to Form a More Perfect Union: Honoring Women in Public Service and Government.”

Edward Zachmeier

«The Bismarck Tribune» ( 

Edward “Whitey” Zachmeier, 81, Mandan, died March 2, 2016, at home under the care of Sanford Hospice and his loving family in Mandan. Mass of Christian burial will be held at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 8, at St. Joseph Catholic…