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Новости за 04.03.2016

Establishing a Habit of Self Care

The Huffington Post 

The Guardian Teacher Network included an article that caught my interest this week. The Secret Teacher article was written by a professional who said teaching robbed me of my health - and nearly my life. Reading the entire article, we learn of a professional who had been a teacher for 13 years and was often referred to as a natural [who] achieved excellent results, [had] enthusiasm for [her] subject, and cared passionately about the welfare of [her] students. Yet, this teacher lost herself somewhere along the way... Читать дальше...

6 Outdoor Projects To DIY This Spring

The Huffington Post 

By: Mady Dahlstrom, Content Editor for

Looking for the perfect way to welcome spring? Get your home ready for warmer weather and backyard parties by DIY-ing these fun outdoor projects! From flowers, signs, and wreaths, to larger DIYs like upgrading your shutters, tackle one of these projects this weekend to brighten up your home.

Take a look at these 6 outdoor projects brought to you by the Blogger Community at that you need to DIY this spring!

1. Spring Grow Sign

With scraps of wood... Читать дальше...

'Wall Street Journal' Posts Anti-Student Op-Ed Without Disclosing for-Profit College Ties (Again)

The Huffington Post 

The Wall Street Journal today published an op-ed arguing against providing broad student loan debt relief for people who were deceived by their colleges. The co-authors of the article, Jorge Klor de Alva and Mark Schneider, contend that such relief will be expensive -- potentially more than $1 billion for students of now-shuttered for-profit Corinthian Colleges alone. They note that the U.S. Department of Education is considering not only issuing new debt relief rules and beefing up enforcement efforts against school misconduct... Читать дальше...


The Huffington Post 

Words carry with them significant meaning and power, so when Ann Mordine chose to name her company Chattra it was done with purpose and intent. "In India, you often hear the word- chattri, from the Sankirt chattra. I love the meaning of the word as well as its significance in both Hinduism and Buddhism, a parasol (which) symbolizes dignity and protection," explains Chattra founder Ann Mordine. She wanted to create items that supported one's sun salutations and meditations, so she created a yoga gear company. Читать дальше...

Brésil: l’ex-président Lula emmené par la police pour être interrogé


Ce vendredi, à Sao Paolo, la police fédérale brésilienne a effectué une perquisition au domicile de Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, président brésilien de 2003 à 2010, et l’a emmené pour l'interroger dans le cadre de l’enquête sur le scandale de corruption Petrobras.

CFIUS: putting environmental concerns at the heart of corporate M&As

The Huffington Post 

Rep. Rosa DeLauro - via Flickr

A proposal tabled by Connecticut Rep. Rosa DeLauro last week may give the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) a much wider mandate to review foreign transactions. DeLauro hopes that from now on, as well as evaluating the national security implications of foreign investment in US companies or operations, CFIUS should take on the rather more substantial job of reviewing proposed M&As and determining "whether such [a] transaction is... Читать дальше...

Little known Canada trade deal a major threat to British taxpayers

The Huffington Post 

A trade deal with Canada - what's to worry about, it surely doesn't seem all that bad, does it?

Yet, lurking in the text of a seemingly innocuous deal between the EU and Canada (known as 'CETA') due to be signed later this year, is a major threat to the very foundations of our legal system and democracy.

It's called 'investor-state dispute settlement' (ISDS), and it's a toxic legal mechanism that gives corporations the right to sue our government when it uses any policy that might... Читать дальше...

Пушков назвал "миром грез" заявления Турчинова о беженцах из России


Ранее глава СНБО Украины Александр Турчинов призвал ввести визовый режим с Россией. По его мнению, из России на Украину может хлынуть "миграционная волна".

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Everyone is ABLE in the Best Sense of the Word

The Huffington Post 

There was a time when I was ignorant to what the R-word was and what it meant to use it, and used it only in a joking manner. I did not fully comprehend the meaning of my words until I met Justin, who was my first Special Olympics Unified Sports teammate. Special Olympics and Unified Sports changed my perspective on the R-word entirely.

My name is Madison Wetherell and I am 17-year-old and currently a senior at Raymond S. Kellis High School in Glendale, Ariz. I have been involved in Special... Читать дальше...