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Новости за 06.07.2012

Japan Expo, un salon sur toutes les cultures nippones

La Croix 

Fondé il y 13 ans par Thomas Sirdey, Jean-François et Sandrine Dufour, au moment où les éditeurs de DVD et de livres se mettaient respectivement aux films d’animation et aux mangas japonais, le salon Japan expo se sert de la culture populaire nippone pour ouvrir une fenêtre sur la culture japonaise en général : gastronomie, calligraphie, musique traditionnelle ou encore méditation zen...

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Dividing Lines

Russia Profile 

In Ukraine, the unfolding drama over the new language bill elevating the status of Russian has reignited the age-old debates over language, culture, history, and even independence. Critics say the bill would erode the Ukrainian language and culture entirely, thereby exposing the fledgling country to a greater dose of Russian influence. Proponents argue that recognizing the “minority language” is the right – and the “European” – thing to do, especially in a country where nationalists are keen on deemphasizing... Читать дальше...

Russia Profile Weekly Experts Panel: Could Russia Deliver Assad’s Ouster?

Russia Profile 

UN Special Envoy for Syria Kofi Annan made a commendable last minute effort to bring about an international settlement to the ongoing civil war in Syria by convening a meeting of nine countries in Geneva on June 30 and putting forward a reasonable blueprint for a Syria-led political transition. But does it have a realistic shot at ending the violence in Syria and launching a credible political transition? Are outside powers really in a position to force the Syrian parties to put an end to fighting? Читать дальше...