News in English

Brainstorming Notes of the Typical Male American Spy Novelist


Title idea: The Kandahar Paramour

Protagonist name ideas:

  • Ethan Sharp?
  • Grayson Grimm?
  • Hunter Savage?

Character: Layla. Divided loyalties. C-cup.

Flashback: Bad guys kill protagonist’s fiancée (HOT/WHITE/ETC.)

Title idea: The Baghdad Seduction: Seduction in Baghdad

More protagonist names:

  • Jack Skinner?
  • Jack Killgore?
  • Jackson “Jack” Jackington (THIS ONE)

Idea: Layla knows jiu-jitsu (STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER)

Jackson’s character traits:

  • Jawline
  • Marksmanship
  • Approachable brutality

Possible bad guys: Jihadists? China? Are there Chinese jihadists? (GOOGLE)

Side character idea: Yousef. Analyst. Glasses. Ethnic (GOOD KIND).

“Layla couldn’t get Jackson out of her head—his rough American hands, his piercing gray eyes, his infidel stubble.”

Villain: Abu Uthman. Headwrap thing. Ethnic (BAD KIND).

Theme to explore: Jackson acts brutally for the greater good, but at what cost? (HAS THIS EVER BEEN DONE???)

“Jackson whispered ‘execute’ into his radio and gazed through the night-vision scope, his eyes drifting between Layla’s sultry gait and the intercontinental ballistic missiles.”

Scary words to incorporate:

  • Jihad
  • Allahu Akbar
  • Baba ganoush

Twist: Layla has secret younger sister, Noor (D-cup)

Russia sequel title: Dasvidaniya, Monogamy

“Jackson couldn’t wash away the intoxicating scent of his night with Layla—a mix of latex, gunpowder, and [MIDDLE EASTERN SMELL…JASMINE? GOOGLE].”

Double twist: Layla’s sister Noor was adopted (KEY FOR THREESOME STORYLINE, CHAPTERS 6–11)

Scene: Bad guys torture Jackson (EVIL)

Scene: Jackson tortures bad guy (AWESOME)

Scene: Layla and Noor torture Jackson (EROTIC)

“As it became clear Jackson had chosen Layla, Noor let out a mournful [ONE OF THOSE ULULULULULULULULU THINGS…GOOGLE].”

Theme: Jackson and Abu Uthman are two sides of the same coin (HELL YEAH)

“In Jackson’s line of work, falling in love was the only thing more dangerous than VX nerve gas.”

Asia sequel title: The Pyongyang Fuckathon