News in English

Tomorrow’s Itinerary for the Geese in My Apartment Complex


0500: Sound the alarm.

0600: Recitation of the day’s mantra in the traditional spirited honking.

0700: Singing of “O Canada” and flyover in standard formation.

0800: Announcement of the flock’s minutes.

0830: Synchronized shitting and breakfast on the east bank of the retention pond.

1000: Gather outside the dog park fence for the “Taunting of the Mutts.”

1200: Preening and beautification.

1300: Loud meandering.

1430: Stop traffic. Honk.

1600: Group aerobics at the retention pond.

1800: Carnal activities.

1802: Bathing.

1807: Carnal activities.

1809: Unwind.

1900: Synchronized shitting and supper on the north bank of the retention pond.

2100: “O Canada” reprise and flyover in standard formation.

2200: Sleep / carnal activities.