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Новости за 11.10.2024

Members explore ways of boosting developing economies’ integration into global trade

World Trade Organization 

At a meeting of the Special Session of the Committee on Trade and Development held on 11 October, members discussed flexibilities being sought by developing economies relative to the WTO agreements on sanitary and phytosanitary measures, technical barriers to trade, trade-related investment measures and technology transfer to least-developed countries (LDCs). The discussions are based on proposals by the G90 group of developing economies and LDCs to support greater integration of developing members into global trade.

WTO 2024 SPS Transparency Champions Course concludes in Geneva

World Trade Organization 

The second edition of the WTO Transparency Champions Course on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures took place from 30 September to 11 October in Geneva. The training programme brought together 25 government officials from across the world. The course aimed to enhance their understanding of the transparency provisions of the WTO SPS Agreement.

Training course on market access for governments acceding to WTO concludes in Geneva

World Trade Organization 

A week-long course on market access for goods concluded on 11 October at the WTO for 23 officials from nine governments currently negotiating their WTO accession. Participants received training on the practical and technical aspects of bilateral market access negotiations on goods, a key pillar of accession negotiations.

Getting into the Discovery Mindset 

Successful discovery requires teams to be open to uncovering “unknown unknowns.” Center your discovery efforts around problems rather than solutions.

Lithuania gives EUR 20,000 to help developing economies and LDCs improve trade skills

World Trade Organization 

Lithuania is contributing EUR 20,000 (about CHF 18,000) in 2024 to finance training programmes for government officials from developing economies, including least-developed countries (LDCs). The purpose of this contribution to the WTO Global Trust Fund is to support these economies in deepening their expertise on WTO issues and to help them participate to a greater extent in the rules-based trading system.

Gradual trade recovery underway despite regional conflicts, policy uncertainty

World Trade Organization 

The October update of the WTO’s Global Trade Outlook and Statistics largely reaffirms the April forecast, pointing to a gradual recovery in merchandise trade despite widening regional conflicts and increasing policy uncertainty. However, at the regional level, we have seen weaker-than-expected European trade and stronger-than-expected Asian exports.

Facilitator cites need to intensify discussions in dispute settlement reform talks

World Trade Organization 

The facilitator for the negotiations on dispute settlement reform, Ambassador Usha Dwarka-Canabady of Mauritius, welcomed on 11 October the “good progress” made in the talks but said WTO members will need to intensify their discussions in the coming weeks in order to meet the goal of having a fully and well-functioning dispute settlement system in place by the end of this year. She spoke at a Heads of Delegation meeting to update members on the state of play in the talks.

Disclaimer Season Premiere Review: A Visually Stunning Exercise in Patience

Блог сайта «Face Tube is a fun name,» 

Disclaimer is a slow burn.

You'll understand it within seconds of tuning in as the first two installments go so slowly that there's a real risk that some will check out before we delve deeper into the plot.

The post Disclaimer Season Premiere Review: A Visually Stunning Exercise in Patience appeared first on TV Fanatic.

Disclaimer is a slow burn.

You’ll understand it within seconds of tuning in as the first two installments go so slowly that there’s a real risk that... Читать дальше...

GamesBeat Next 2024’s all-star agenda (Oct. 28-29) | The DeanBeat 

I am proud of the collection of voices, personalities and perspectives that we have gathered for GamesBeat Next 2024. You can see them below in the tentative agenda I’m revealing today for our conference coming October 28-29 in San Francisco. We’re holding the event at the beautiful Convene event space near Union Square. You can […]

CMMC's final rule has now landed


Several other regulatory steps and Congress' 60-day period to review the defense industrial base's new cybersecurity standard still loom before it takes effect.

Community Beat for 11 October 

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the latest edition of the Community Beat! We find ourselves in the thick of the Council of Stellar Management election season so let’s take some time to look at what’s happening out on the hustings.

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