Sport 24/7

Caleb Williams Managed To Get A Shot In At The McCaskeys Too


Younger Chicago Bears fans have known nothing but losing. If anything, they have it pretty good because they don’t know how far the franchise has fallen over the past 40 years as many older ones do. Outside of a brief respite in the mid-to-late 2000s, it’s been one long stream of disappointment and losing. While fans have blamed coaches and GMs along the way, everything always comes back to the McCaskey family. They own the team. They sign the check and make the decision to hire all of these unqualified people. It feels like the only way out of the nightmare is for them to disappear. Now, even Caleb Williams is taking snipes at them.

For the fifth time this season, the quarterback was sacked six or more times in a game. The Seattle Seahawks outlasted the Bears in a brutal 6-3 affair. During it, fans were heard booing across the stadium. When asked about it, Williams admitted they’ve had good reasons to do so for a long time.

“I’ve only been here, this is only my first year,” Williams said. “The (fans’) frustrations go way longer back than I’ve been here. My job is to go out there and win games.”

Caleb Williams could’ve been much more direct.

However, he’s way too smart for that. His press conferences continue to be well-executed. There is no venting or bad body language. His answers are straightforward and always polite. However, that comment should not be ignored. Caleb Williams is well aware of this team’s history. He has stepped up to the challenge of changing it. He can’t do it alone, though. He needs help. It falls on ownership to put the right people in charge. If they have any pride in their work, that is what this off-season must be about. Forget the status quo and “continuity.” That hasn’t done anything for the franchise. Find guys who can make a difference immediately. Otherwise, they run the risk of wasting the first potentially good quarterback they’ve had in many years.