Sport 24/7

Is MAGA the New KKK?


By Ana Braga

Hillary Clinton tried to warn us all about the dangers of MAGA in 2016, at the time I thought she was exaggerating but here we are. Some of you have known I was in MAGA, thankfully I left or escaped the cult. Long story short, I have never been to a rally or wore the red hat but still I voted for Trump. Most of my contact with MAGA was through Twitter, they really tried to hide their racism from me. Whenever a MAGA would attack me, for simply posting a photo or questioning Trump’s policies, I would fight back and complain to MAGA about it. They would always respond with Just ignore Ana, it’s probably a liberal plant, Trump isn’t like that and most of his supporters certainly aren’t like these bad people on Twitter. That excuse only worked on me once and the more I complained about the attacks and prejudice, the more MAGA would try to blame liberals and democrats for their own bad behavior. They never owned up to anything, they immediately would shift the blame to democrats. It’s almost as if they didn’t want to correct the problem.

Well, soon after Elon bought the “free speech” platform, more MAGAts started to show their true colors. All of a sudden, it wasn’t liberals or democrat plants, it was all MAGA. It was then that I had confirmation they were lying to me. It wasn’t just MAGA, it was coming from Trump and his bad behavior, his cult just mirrored it. I never felt so used and disgusted. They tried to hide their racism and homophobia while being proud of it now. It’s pure madness!

They’re angry and bitter, you can totally see it once you interact with them on social media. MAGA wants to believe they aren’t racist, to them, racism means killing black/brown people. I often tell them no, killing means you’re a murderer and racism means you don’t like anyone who isn’t white. So I’m going to call MAGA KKK light, although it’s still awful and hateful.

The Trump MAGA group is a cult, when you worship a man and defend him no matter what he says and does, yes honey, you are in a cult.

I hope America wises up and fires Trump for good in November, our country needs to heal and move forward.

We aren’t going back!

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