Sport 24/7

Chat log from R20 of 2024: Melbourne vs Western Sydney


piesfan420: evening, tom green my only POD
frenzy: evening chaps
Wends: Got Rivers, Green & Whitfield… Rivers my only unique in all leagues except one
soup: Crowd is pumping
Wends: soup it’s so freezing and rainy in Melbs… they’re brave souls
piesfan420: need greene to go big for ridley subbing out
soup: It’s July wends, it’s freezing and rainy everywhere
Wends: not if yr sitting under a roof lol
pcaman2003: Only Green here.
beerent11: Thredbo must be cranking.
Noxious: It’s not freezing and rainy up here in Darwin lol
original: Tom green please don?t be woeful tonight. I?ll even accept an 85
Wends: Thanks for the Green rocket original
soup: Guess he heard you original
Pavs: That helps original. nice
original: No problem lads
soup: If Gawn was Xerri he’d be on 50 right now
Getup: More seagulls than supporter’s at this game
soup: But it’s cold getup. And raining!
runners47: Off the pine, Whitfield – you have work to do
NewFreoFan: Dees supporters mad after last week, GWS doesn’t draw much in Melbourne, and it’s cold as hell
Getup: Greene n gawn went to Melbourne 2 weeks ago tiges v gws same crowd don’t think weather is the problem
Getup: Gws at the g won’t draw a crowd just saying
original: LIFT briggs
Wends: Wldve loved to have gone getup, pup wont allow anyone off the couch tho… we have important dog-warming obligations
Kidult: Gawn actually outscoring Xerri from the little stats he has
Pokerface: the fact Rivers is only in 2% of teams is astounding
pcaman2003: Wends. We share the same responsibility.
Wends: The side eye is real pca Poker have had Rivers since the byes – one of the few good calls of my season
original: Wish briggs scored like xerri
Pokerface: well done Wends, me too.. was such a bargain at around 400k too
NewFreoFan: GWS should’ve tried not letting the Demons get any clearances, easy way to beat them
Kidult: Most teams completed their defence before Rivers got the role
pcaman2003: I was referring to hirsuite doggy responsibilities. lol!
beerent11: Rivers and Ed Richards. Both taking their chance as midfielders. Will be signing big contracts next time round.
Wends: Such a good bargain Poker (and lol pca:)
Pokerface: Kidult no, people were jumping on Ridley afterwards
Pokerface: plus there’s been outs like Gov
beerent11: Baby clarry all over clarry at the moment
Pokerface: did anyone hold Gawn?
Kidult: Ridley was picked up at the start of byes. Rivers only just went to the role in byes.
Pokerface: People were picking him up after his rd 14 bye as well Kidult.
original: Have a mate proj 2690, anyone higher?
Kidult: Rivers role started R15. Ridley got picked up R12,13 and 15
beerent11: Bought him in for tdk pf
beerent11: What a difference a leader makes.
Pokerface: kind of missing the point, theres been chances to bring him in, yeo was injured during byes, gov, fisher, chances via dp
Pokerface: aah nice beer – Jackson R2?
beerent11: May and lever argue like an old married couple.
pcaman2003: I traded out Gawn for Xerri.So far okay.
KangaBanga: Never seen so many seagulls at the G! What happened to the fake eagle they had?
beerent11: Started xerri. About my only good move all year.
Pokerface: Starting xerri was such a jump on evreyone at his price, wd beer
Social: I went Gawn to Sweet, not as many points but some tasty moula
Pokerface: i gotta admit, i doubted he would be in the top bracket and missed it
Wends: Nice work gws
Pokerface: yeah Sweet looked gone for a while
beerent11: What?s xerri now? Around 550k?
Pokerface: well over 600 i thought
runners47: Something wrong with Whitfield? Doesn’t usually spend that much time on the bench
ReggieOz: lol. muppet of the year
pcaman2003: My opponent has Hogan. Obviously not the Hulkster tonight.
Getup: Haha never seen that before
m0nty: bit rough to put that clanger on Hogan instead of Thomas
Wends: Cmon rivers, don’t dry up now
Pokerface: haha Wends.
Pokerface: start running Rivers
riolisbong: great comeback orange team, they looked cooked
Pokerface: i got in trouble for singing the brisbane theme song during the anthem while watching the opening ceremony repeat
Pokerface: apparently it was disrespectful
Social: the one season I pass on Whitfield…
StuL: Perhaps it was best not to vc Gawn after his break.
OffaStep: Did the same, Poker. Asked the missus if she’d heard the La Marsellais lyrics before then sang Old Fitzroy.
Pokerface: lol Offa
OffaStep: *Marsellaise. Pardon my French.
Wends: Goodwin really stopping Rivers’ flow
OffaStep: OK. Got it. French national anthem has A.R.S.E in it. Throat cutting too.
Pokerface: speaking of throat cutting, how about all the windows and windows of decapitated Marie Antoinettes!!! geez!
OffaStep: Streamers of blood and Euro metal? Yes, please. Beats kangaroos on bikes and Hills Hoists.
Pokerface: Rivers completely sandbagged
Wends: Currently going nowhere poker, it’s very draining as an owner
Pokerface: oi! Ours was great! but yeah the Euro metal during the revolution was great
Pokerface: Rivres bursting free!
Wends: Loved it all Offa – so frenchy, so chic
Creed1: got rivers and green in this one v opps oliver and may, not a great last 2 qtrs…
Pokerface: Wends, except the commentary. They didn’t know who was carrying the torch most of the time.
Pokerface: or if they did they werent saying
OffaStep: Reckon I got to Cote d Ivoire today. Will pick it up from there tomorrow. Looking forward to the big finish.
beerent11: Did snoop carry the torch or am I a gullible idiot fooled by ai?
Wends: Appalling… trying to work out how to get OS commentary. Karl S excruciating.
Wends: Snoop carried it beer
OffaStep: Lol. Would love to see him light a blunt with that thing, beer.
Pokerface: lol. Yes, Karl was absolutely woeful.
OffaStep: Roy and HG the only way to go.
Pokerface: those were the days
TimT14: Kick a major Windsor
Wends: Ha! I’m listening to them right now! Aussies know we punch above our weight lol
beerent11: Club buggery.
beerent11: Hello boys, battered sav.
beerent11: Ha, major Windsor
thommoae: Not a bad little three minute workspace there.
Creed1: get involved rivers
OffaStep: Will certainly be podcasting them, Wends. They were calling for dog races to be introduced in a promo.
thommoae: Make that four minutes.
Jeff1967: I?m nearly going to call this one over
beerent11: The grade cricketer podcast are covering the Olympics too off a step. Worth a listen.
Pokerface: absolutely smashing them in the middle
OffaStep: Will check it out, beer. Cheers.
Wends: You’ve just got to get used to the idea that people can walk around this area of Paris, without any trousers
Jeff1967: DeGoey out tomorrow so I had to throw in Callaghan in Draft. Working nicely
Pokerface: remember when jack billings was meant to be bargain of the year
Yelse: wwhere did it say degoey is out?
Jeff1967: Earlier today. Groin problem again. Richards in
Kidult: Try get a couple high picks for Oliver and rebuild
Social: Line Ups on has him out Yelse
Jeff1967: Collingwood site.
Yelse: oh if i knew would have saved a trade
Wends: Rivers low ToG not encouraging
frenzy: game on
Pokerface: being out-endured by Clarry is quite the lowlight.
Pokerface: so gws are just not going to use the sub?
thommoae: Phew.
Pokerface: does that count as a game for Fonti?
nbartos: SC seems skewed