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Группа SESTRA представила новый трек и клип


The song “Sleepless Nights” tells the story of a level of love where it becomes like a sedative for you. Love is a complex and powerful emotion that can take us on a rollercoaster of emotions. It can make us feel alive, happy, and fulfilled, but it can also bring us to our knees with heartache and longing. In “Sleepless Nights,” the artist captures the essence of being in love to the point where it becomes like a sleeping pill, a cure for all the sleepless nights.

The lyrics of the song portray the feelings of someone deeply in love. The first verse starts with “I can’t sleep again tonight,” which immediately sets the tone for the rest of the song. It’s a familiar feeling for anyone who has ever been in love – the inability to sleep because your mind is consumed with thoughts of that special someone. The singer goes on to say that “Every time I close my eyes, I see you in my dreams,” emphasizing that even in their sleep, they are still preoccupied with thoughts of their beloved.

As the song progresses, the artist describes the level of love they are experiencing. They compare it to “a lullaby that never ends,” showing that their love is like a soothing and comforting melody that never fades away. They also mention that their love is like “sipping on some warm milk,” which symbolizes the warmth and comfort they feel when they are with their significant other. These comparisons to sleep-inducing substances reinforce the idea of love being like a sedative.

The chorus of the song is where the title “Sleepless Nights” is mentioned. The singer says, “I’m having sleepless nights, but I don’t mind, ’cause you’re my cure.” This line perfectly captures the main message of the song – that being in love to the point where it’s like a sleeping pill is not a bad thing. They don’t mind the sleepless nights because their love is their remedy, their cure for all the restlessness.

The second verse of the song delves deeper into the level of love the singer is experiencing. They say, “I’m addicted to your touch, your voice, your everything,” which shows the intensity of their feelings. They also mention that they can’t get enough of their loved one, comparing it to “an endless movie marathon.” This line not only reinforces the idea of love as a sedative but also highlights the idea of being fully immersed in their partner’s company.

The bridge of the song is where the artist expresses their vulnerability and dependency on their love. They say, “I’m lost in your eyes, and I don’t wanna be found.” This line portrays the level of surrender and trust they have in their relationship. They have let go of any fears or doubts and have completely given themselves to their love, finding comfort and solace in it.

In conclusion, “Sleepless Nights” is a beautiful and relatable song that captures the stage of love where it becomes like a sleeping pill. The artist uses clever comparisons to sleep-inducing substances to convey the depth of their feelings and how their love has become their remedy for all the sleepless nights. It’s a reminder that love, even with its ups and downs, is something to be cherished and embraced with all its power. As the saying goes, “love is like a drug,” and in this song, it’s portrayed as a positive and soothing one. So let yourself get lost in the enchanting lyrics of “Sleepless Nights” and embrace the level of love where it becomes like a sedative.

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