Sport 24/7

Man Utd dealt fresh blow as club is SUED by its own staff after major wages blunder


MANCHESTER United is being sued for up to £100,000 for accidentally emailing 167 staff their wage slips and those of everyone else in the pool.

Casual workers were sent the name, address, National Insurance number, earnings, pensions benefits and tax contributions of all the others in the mass blunder.

Manchester United is being sued for up to £100,000 after accidentally including wage slips of more than 150 employees ina mass email blunder[/caption]

They were on a single file received by catering and hospitality, museum and stadium tour staff and programme sellers, it is said.

The club was trialling a system with a “lack of managerial staff overseeing the procedure”, it is claimed.

The workers have lodged a High Court compensation claim on data protection grounds, pointing out the information could be used by criminals to commit financial fraud.

Jonathan Whittle, of Your Lawyers, which represents 32 claimants, said: “The club’s billionaire owners should take responsibility for this error.”

The gaffe, on March 9, 2018, was previously reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office. It recommended improvements.

The club was contacted for comment last night.