Sport 24/7

Новости за 31.12.2024

Miliarda a půl. Český fotbal v pohárech rekordně zbohatl, ještě může být líp 

Vědělo se, že to bude balík. V závěru roku už má ranec jasnější obrysy. Český fotbal vyslal do základních skupin evropských pohárů rekordní čtyři zástupce, kteří už v součtu vydělali necelých 60 milionů eur - zhruba 1,5 miliardy korun. Další desítky milionů korun může ještě v lednu vydělat Sparta, Slavia, a hlavně Plzeň.

Rested Avalanche set sights on Jets (sports) 

(Photo credit: Rob Gray-Imagn Images) The Colorado Avalanche had a chance to rest up and get healthier, and it is paying off for them. Colorado has played just two games in the past 10 days, and that extra time allowed forward Jonathan Drouin to heal from his upper-body injury. Drouin should be in the lineup when Colorado hosts the Winnipeg Jets in Denver on Tuesday night. The Avalanche hosting a game on New Year's Eve

Altay ikinci yarıda Ege'yi kazanacak


Altay'da genç orta saha oyuncusu Ege Parmaksız'ın ikinci yarıda takımın önemli parçalarından biri olması bekleniyor.
TFF 2. Lig

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: A timeline of their relationship - Sky News

Sports - Google News (uk) 

  1. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: A timeline of their relationship  Sky News
  2. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: From Hollywood power couple to eight-year divorce battle  BBC
  3. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt reach divorce settlement after eight years  The Guardian
  4. Insiders reveal real reason Brad Pitt wanted to settle bitter divorce battle with Angelina Jolie  Daily Mail
  5. Good Morning Britain halted live on air as ITV star shares 'breaking news' announcement  Surrey Live

Navy Chief interacts with Navika Sagar Parikrama crew on New Year's eve (sports) 

New Delhi [India], December 31 (ANI): Indian Navy Chief Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi and Shashi Tripathi, President of the Navy Wives Welfare Association (NWWA), interacted with the courageous crew members of Navika Sagar Parikrama II, Lieutenant Commander Dilna and Lieutenant Commander Roopa on New Year's eve. The interaction, held via video conference, celebrated their inspiring circumnavigation journey aboard the INSV Tar

Pakistan: Persistent interruptions in gas supply causes sharp rise in prices of alternative fuels (sports) 

Islamabad [Pakistan], December 31 (ANI): The extreme cold and continuous interruptions in Sui gas supply have led to a sharp increase in the prices of alternative fuels, including coal, dry wood, cylinder gas, and kerosene, in the open market, making middle class disproportionately bearing the brunt of these rising costs, The Express Tribune reported. The irregular supply and low pressure of Sui gas have forced tandoors a

Wspominamy rok 2024 w polskiej piłce. Klęski i nadzieje 

Niespodzianki w lidze i w pucharze, więcej porażek niż pozytywnych zaskoczeń kadry Michała Probierza, pucharowe nadzieje z PKO Ekstraklasy. Wspominamy najważniejsze wydarzenia w polskiej piłce z ostatnich 12 miesięcy.

31 Aralık kandil mi? 1 Ocak 2025 kandil mi?


31 Aralık kandil mi sorusu, pek çok vatandaş tarafından yakından takip ediliyor. Regaip Kandilinin 31 Aralık tarihine denk geldiği ifadeleri dolayısıyla Regaip Kandili ne zaman, sorusu da gündemde yer alıyor. Yılın ilk kandili, Recep ayı içerisinde idrak edilecek. Regaip Kandili gününde de ibadetler gerçekleştirilecek ve eller semaya açılacak. 2025 Kandil günleri, Diyanet takvimi ile belli oldu. Peki 2025 yılı ilk kandil ne zaman? Читать дальше...

Rested Avalanche set sights on Jets 

The Colorado Avalanche had a chance to rest up and get healthier, and it is paying off for them.,Colorado has played just two games in the past 10 day

Tour de Ski: Martin Himma saavutas 20 km sõidus 15. koha 

Eesti murdmaasuusataja Martin Himma tegi Itaalias Toblachis toimuval murdmaasuusatajate Tour de Skil 20 km eraldistardist vabatehnika distantsil suurepärase sõidu ning pälvis kokkuvõttes 15. koha (45.23,5; + 1:18,2). Teisel osavõistlusel 20. koha teeninud Alvar Johannes Alev jätkas Tour de Skid 32. kohaga (+ 1:56,0), Henri Roos pälvis 78. koha (+ 4:42,9). Võidu teenis norralane Harald Östberg […]

Карлос Насар разтърси всички! Шейхове му давали милиони да се откаже от България

«Bing» (спорт) 

Карлос Насар – европейски, световен и олимпийски шампион! Момчето, което подчини конкуренцията си във всяко състезание. Този, който върна позагубената слава на българските щанги. Този, който след като ...