В первом матче в рамках Кубок Будущего, проходящего в Новосибирске, молодёжная сборная Казахстана крупно проиграла Беларуси, передает Sports.kz со ссылкой на Shaiba.kz.
The complete list of who is there in person for the 2024 NFL Draft.
Сегодня, 25-го апреля, в Москве на стадионе "ВЭБ Арена" будет проведён матч 21-го тура РПЛ
Zbrojovka má nového majitele. Jen jiného, než se ještě na začátku dubna čekalo. O brněnský fotbalový klub se vehementně zajímal investor Pavel Svoreň. Do konce tohoto měsíce měl oficiálně převzít majoritní balík akcií. Což se překvapivě nestalo. Předběhl ho Libor Zábranský, šéf hokejové Komety. „Z komedie je zaděláno na tragédii,“ reagoval Svoreň na sociální síti X.
Экс-чемпион UFC в легчайшем дивизионе Жозе Альдо отметил, что всегда болеет за тех бойцов, которые его победили.
Die Bremer Regeln zu Polizeikosten bei Fußball-Risikospielen haben schon viele Juristen beschäftigt. Nun widmet sich das höchste deutsche Gericht dem Thema, das auch Drittligisten beschäftigt.
Einen Tag nach Gewinn des Europe Cups haben die Niners Chemnitz Glückwünsche von BBL-Boss Stefan Holz erhalten.
[The Herald] The Zimbabwe Under-20 rugby team will be aiming to continue with their fine run in defence of the Barthes Cup when they face Namibia Under -20 at Harare Sports Club tomorrow.
MATT BARLOW: Perhaps someone at Nottingham Forest had this looming anniversary in mind when the Midlands club started peddling conspiracy theories like Donald Trump on polling day.
[The Herald] Despite setting up a new Premier Netball League executive, some of the leagues' teams maintain that they will still not participate in this season's campaign if pending issues are not resolved.
[The Herald] Denver Mukamba is feeling hard done by his former Premiership football club, Dynamos, which he claims have refused to honour his contract.
[The Herald] He was born and bred in Mufakose, where football was the natural choice for most kids growing up in this high-density suburb of Harare.
[The Herald] The 2024 Castle Lager Premier Soccer League season promises more drama if events on Week 7 are anything to go by as the top three failed to win while Manica Diamonds, who were bottom after four games, jumped to sixth following a third successive win.
[The Herald] Fresh problems have emerged at a time when domestic women's football should be celebrating a new lease of life following the setting up of a new interim committee.
[The Herald] Zimbabwe international defender, Jordan Zemura will be playing under a third coach on his debut Serie A season for struggling Udinese after Saturday's defeat at Verona which left them level on points with the team occupying the final relegation slot with five matches remaining.
[The Herald] Harare City coach Herbert "Jompano" Maruwa believes it's still a long way to go in the ZIFA Northern Region Division One Soccer League before they can think of the championship.
Die Stadt Duisburg unterstützt MSV beim Start in die Viertklassigkeit. Es gibt eine Aussicht auf Ersparnis in sechsstelliger Höhe.
The retired 31-time MotoGP race winner stepped away from full-time racing at the end of 2018 but has made sporadic wildcard outings since joining KTM as a test rider.Pedrosa raced at the Spanish GP and San Marino GP in 2023, finishing fourth in the latter and seventh in the former in front of a rapturous home crowd.KTM noted at the start of the season that everything was in place for Pedrosa to ...Keep reading
Сегодня, 25-го апреля, в Москве на стадионе "ВЭБ Арена" будет проведён матч 21-го тура РПЛ
PŘÍMO Z BRATISLAVY | Po úspěšné baráži s Kladnem si dopřál den volna. Víc ani nešlo. Jiří Ticháček (21) zkusí svou snovou sezonu dotáhnout k malému zázraku – účasti na domácím hokejovém šampionátu. „Všichni z nás mají za cíl Prahu,“ říká talent z Kladna, nejproduktivnější obránce základní části extraligy. Na soustředění do Bratislavy dorazil hned poté, co pomohl Rytíře udržet v extralize v sérii proti Vsetínu.
RB Leipzig verbindet in diesem Sommer erstmals in seiner 15-jährigen Vereinsgeschichte die Saisonvorbereitung mit einer Marketingreise. Der Bundesliga-Vierte reist vom 28. Juli bis 4. August in die USA.
Corentin Moutet called out the ATP after losing to Shang Juncheng in Madrid.
Российский хоккейный журналист и обозреватель Михаил Зислис сообщил неожиданные новости о позиции главного тренера в астанинском «Барысе», передает Sports.kz.
Questions surround these blue-chip prospects -- and their bad luck could make them draft day steals.