The American Spectator

Kamala v. Jill: The Ugly Catfight Ahead


It is painfully clear what evil lurks ahead if Americans foolishly fail to elect Donald Trump as our 47th president.

On one hand, by now it should be a shoo-in for President Trump 45 to “Do the Grover” and notch 47, too.  If serious national polls show him ahead of Biden by 3 to 7 points, recall that two exceptionally populous blue states, New York and California, provide lopsided numbers for Biden. In a process that is based on the Electoral College, Trump’s standing today therefore is even stronger than the numbers suggest. However, Americans include as many foolish voters as perspicacious ones, and nothing ever is certain.

Can you imagine placing your nation’s future, your own and family’s safety and security, your financial stability and capability to pay for food and keep a roof over your head, all based on the voting recommendation of a filthy dirtmouth like Cardi B or a nonbinary TikTok influencer whose skin is so completely covered by tattoos and piercings that, for a skin-cancer check-up, they need to see a metallurgist or painting authenticator instead of a dermatologist?

Should an intelligent person vote based on what Taylor Swift or her latest male BFF thinks or a favorite basketball player or Julia Roberts or George Clooney? To ask the question is to answer it. Yet, fools comprising half the electorate often do just that. So nothing is certain. Mothers who cry bitterly on television after their precious children, while reading innocently in their bedrooms, get murdered by outside drive-by gangfire still vote again — and again thereafter for eternity — for the same inner-city Democrat politicians and district attorneys whose policies give rise to those drive-bys. Those who bewail the abductions and rape-murders of close friends and relatives by illegal aliens still repeat-vote for the same politicians who open the sealed border to the “undocumented” entrants who are multi-documented experienced rapists. That’s how fools vote.

So nothing is guaranteed — even amid the Democrats’ Biden Panic of 2024.

Let’s say, therefore, that Joe gets the nod even as he is nodding off. What then?

Each and every person in this country and around the world, from the Aborigines of Australia to the Ilhans of Somalia, regardless of how little they follow or understand politics, knows Biden will not serve four more years. Given how much he declined in four years from his Obama Veep days to the 2020 election, when he actually had to be sequestered in a basement throughout the campaign, and how much more severely he has declined before all the world between his 2020 election and his recent 2024 debate performance, he may already be gone and certainly will not be about his wits (using the term liberally) as late as 2028 — 1,461 days hence. It may be derivative of his age, but it truly has nothing to do with his age per se. 

Betty White still was there at 99. So was my beloved and honored father-in-law, dear Robert Groh of blessed memory, who was born on the same day as she, and passed away the same week. We all know of people in their 90s who still are wise. Many Supreme Court justices — left and right — remain very sharp, even wiser with more age and experience, well into their 80s, sometimes 90s. Likewise, many of the greatest rabbinic scholars and “Torah giants,” as they are known. Also many great popes. Queen Elizabeth II was sharp through age 96. The current Dalai Lama is 89. Pope John Paul II was a powerful world spiritual force to age 85. Pope Benedict XVI still had an influence beyond age 95. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was vibrant through age 93. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein to age 91.

It is not about age. It is about the bells clanging, the lights flashing, but no train coming.

So Biden definitively will not make it four more years before the 25th Amendment outranks the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Fourth, the Fifth, the 14th, and every other Amendment out there in news coverage. The 25th will catch up with him any day now, and definitely before November 2028.

Which brings us to the impending ugliest catfight of all time (UCOAT). Of all time.

In one corner, Dr. Jill Biden Ed.D. (By the way, why aren’t all law school graduates, all of whom are conferred a “J.D.” (Juris Doctor), also titled “Doctor” the way that this Doctor of Education is?) It never has been more clear to the American public that Dr. Jill has been dominating Joe’s head and running Joe’s life for many years, at least since he lost it. It never has been more clear. Not only does she lead him forward, backward, left, right, up, and down — all of which might be deemed simply as decent spousal caregiving for a physical handicap akin to those affecting FDR or Gov. Greg Abbott. Beyond that, Dr. Jill encourages him to nibble on her finger as long as he does not bite. If she wants him to roll over, he will roll over. On the rare occasion that she is not on site, he needs Jill surrogates to do it, like Easter rabbits. She is the power behind that throne, such as it is.

Dr. Jill is politically smarter than Hillary or Michelle ever were. They let their obsessions for power show. Dr. Jill masks it because she knows that results are what count, not column inches. So the media cover Joe and his various apologists while Dr. Jill sits back and influences. If she truly loved him, she would have persuaded him privately months ago, when his polls were better, to announce a decision to pass the torch to a new generation. If she truly loved him, she would not want to see him further subject himself to the punishing demands of the presidency, the 3 a.m. wake-ups (after the non-presidential 2:30 a.m. wake-ups). He already had achieved his legacy: the presidency of the United States. He had made it through before senility overwhelmed. Now in his later years, flush with more cash than he and Hunter ever will need, he and she could have looked forward to spending several years traveling the world, giving low-value interviews, adorning magazine covers, sitting front-center at Broadway plays on opening nights, writing books, being guests of honor throughout the world, being feted and honored everywhere, offering advice, and spending time with grandchildren.

But she did not do that because his retirement would have taken away her power, whatever is left of it. And that is the catfight contender in one corner.

In the other corner is someone so painfully stupid that she actually is smart, sort of like Columbus sailing to India and ending up in America. Kamala ran for president in 2020, correctly called out Biden as a lifelong racist, told a tear-jerker about being on a school bus, and then sank a few weeks later like the murder victim dumped in a cement bag at 1:27-1:43 in “Mack the Knife” — super fast and super deep. She was finished politically on the national stage. End of annoying interlude. And then along came Biden, and he went on a DEI spree. Transportation secretary? Homosexual (totally incapable of handling train and airline crises). United Nations ambassador? Black woman (albeit quite intelligent). Press spokesperson? A two-fer: Black lesbian (dumb as a doornail). Supreme Court justice? Black woman (thoroughly undistinguished career, frequently overturned on appeal, even by Democrat appellate judges, unable to define “woman”).

And vice president? Black woman, part Indian, part Jamaican. Stupid as they come, as proven not by nasty name-calling but simply by her own performance for four years on the national stage.

Even so, as painfully moronic as Kamala is, someone in her camp finally has figured it out: If Biden-Harris are elected this November, and given that Biden assuredly will not make it four more years before the 25th Amendment discharges him, she will become the president of the United States of Americ.

Believe it or not. Do you see where this leads?

Two deeply ambitious women, no different from Hillary and Michelle but better positioned by the vacuum at the top, with diametrically opposing interests will be left on the central stage in Washington to duke it out for the right to rise above dutchess. If Joe outmaneuvers the 25th, then Dr. Jill remains holding power.  If the 25th outmaneuvers Joe, then Kamala becomes Kween. The decision will come down to Biden’s cabinet, and the lobbying behind the scenes will be furious. The promises, the threats, the payoffs, the punishments. Dr. Jill’s surrogates will make clear that Joe (i.e., she) will remember who votes for him (i.e., her) to remain in office and will not forget those who vote against. Kamala’s surrogates will do the same. There will be vitriol, threats, intrigue. And, in the end, it will come down to the Ugliest Catfight of All Time. The Catfight in ’25 over the 25th.


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