The American Spectator

Joe Biden Plays by Ear, Does Not Take Advice, and Has a Bad Temper


Joe Biden is not — how should I put it — up for participating in the next Olympics. Everyone knows that, but now he knows it too, and it seems to be changing his character (if he was ever the lovable grandfather that the Democratic press has been trying to sell us for years). The president crumbled in the debate, and he was left naked as a baboon’s ass before the whole world. And now the rats, aware of the sinking ship, have started jumping overboard. Where are all the cats when we need them?

They have started by jumping on Político because the report that the magazine published on Tuesday is a political earthquake of infinite magnitude. What is so serious about the collaborators’ report is not that the president, like any boss in a private enterprise, gets angry when things are not done the way he wants them to be. What is serious is that someone who is not mentally capable of deciding how things should be done gets angry. (READ MORE: The Summer 2024 Presidential Succession Crisis Explodes)

Those who criticize from inside the Democratic Party that the president was poorly prepared to debate with Trump, describe a situation that we have seen a thousand times before in the processes of decline in any organization. The core around the leader is getting smaller and smaller; that is, fewer and fewer people are advising him, fewer and fewer advisors have access to the president’s decision-making, and the few who remain around him, well you can guess why they are still there: because they do and say what the boss wants to hear.

‘I Play by Ear and I Don’t Listen to Advice’

An old Spanish comedian once had a funny monologue. He would appear with a violin case announcing that he was about to put on an extraordinary concert for the audience. But in the end, the violin case was empty: he had forgotten the violin at home. So the whole monologue is him talking on the phone to his family and his maid trying to locate the instrument. It doesn’t show up and he says goodbye to the audience with a sentence that could also be signed by Joe Biden: “Well, there will be no concert. Anyway, you haven’t missed anything either, because I play by ear and I don’t listen to advice.”

I worked for years as an advisor to the Minister of Culture and Education of the Spanish Government. I have had the opportunity to see how the nucleus of power works, both as a journalist and as a political consultant, and I can assure you that there is only one thing more dangerous than a crazed high official, and that is an advisor who is incapable of saying something that his boss does not want to hear. (READ MORE: Dr. Jill Biden: Perfect Wife Amid the Panic of 2024)

On one occasion, I was accompanying my minister to an event at a well-known Spanish institution. There he was to deliver some words that we had previously prepared together the day before. However, when the minister entered the hall with the folder carrying his speech under his arm, I was forced to change his folder for one that I had prepared last minute without being able to say a word. My boss at the time was a prudent man who liked to have every T crossed, and if anything could upset him, it was a change like that, unable even to read the new speech. Yes, I put my job on the line. And I remember his irritated look when he saw me walking away to get lost in the audience with his original speech under my arm.

He went up to the speakers’ atrium and delivered the lecture I had given him and we were saved from certain disaster. On the one hand, the original speech contained two serious errors that could have made him look ridiculous. On the other hand, during the day, there had been news that needed to be mentioned.

Biden’s Collapse Should Make American History

My boss was irritated at first, and he was right, but at the end of the conference he understood what had happened and congratulated me, and he was also right. I think I did the right thing. The job of a political advisor is to do the best you can, even if it angers the person you are advising. No one would trust a doctor who played down the diagnoses of patients who had bad tempers just so that they didn’t get too angry during the surgery.

What Biden is promoting is the opposite of what my boss did. Surrounding himself only with sycophants in a very narrow circle commanded by someone who, even in his right mind, was incapable of successfully directing the destiny of the United States. (READ MORE: Biden Slouches Toward November)

Biden’s collapse can — and should — mark a before and after in American history. And, frankly, in the history of the world as well. His current weakness is a danger to us all. Although I now experience an almost erotic pleasure watching his sycophants in the leftist press throw themselves overboard from the Biden-boat to the cry of “every man for himself!”

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