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Hull FC • Club Statement

A message to our members and supporters from the club’s Director of Rugby, Richie Myler…
As a club, we are currently a million miles away from where everybody associated with Hull FC wants us to be. A lot of factors have contributed to the club being in the position we currently find ourselves in.

The board hears your frustrations; believe me when I say, we cannot and will not continue in this current manner. This is not a finger pointing exercise, or a blame game towards any one individual. But clearly, certain members of our organisation are not delivering on their roles, and ultimately we need to make a change.

Representing Hull FC carries a weight much heavier than most clubs in the competition, and expectations are rightly much higher than other clubs due to the potential we hold.

But, in the same way as a player might have ‘potential’, ‘potential’ can only take you so far. Hard work, dedication, and committing yourself to a cause bigger than yourself has to be paramount. Without those factors, you end up where you deserve to be.

This is the reality of the club over the past four years; and it hits home when you consider our current league position.

As members and supporters, you have the right to be frustrated. You have the right to demand change. You have the right to expect more from us.

But, I believe there is a brighter future for Hull FC.

Rugby League is an unforgiving sport. The margin for error is so small that if you aren’t all in it together, pulling in the same direction, or if you take your eye off the ball, you fail.

Currently, we are failing.

A lot of talk has been that our focus is purely on 2025, and we have “put the cue in the rack”. I can assure you all that every day, we are working tirelessly to solve our situation. To get back to where we want this club to be, we have to change fundamentally.

We cannot thank our members and supporters enough for their ongoing support in these difficult moments.

Richie Myler.

Statistics: Posted by UllFC — Sun Sep 15, 2024 5:03 pm — Replies 14 — Views 912