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The City of Tshwane launches a project aimed at improving road safety for school children


The Walking Safely to School project (WATCH), was started to improve road infrastructure and promote road safety around 10 schools in Mamelodi.

The launch of the project took place at Mamelodi High School in Mamelodi on Thursday.

This project aims to have physical and passive traffic measures such as road safety traffic signs, traffic markings, speed humps, raised pedestrian crossings, and sidewalks around the school zones.

In support of the project, the City of Tshwane (CoT) conducted School Zone Road Safety Assessments at the ten selected schools in Mamelodi.

The 19 schools in Mamelodi selected for the project are: Dr I.M Monare Primary School, Bohlabatsatsi Primary School, Pula Difate Primary School, Meetse-A-Bophelo Primary School, Mahube Valley Primary School, Ramahlale Primary School, Tsako-Thabo Secondary School, Zamintuthuko Primary School, Bula-Dikgoro Primary School, and Mamelodi High School.

Due to the high number of cars in the early hours of the morning as well as in the afternoon during peak hours, the WATCH project also aims to reduce speed limits at school zones from the current 40km/h to 30km/h.

Children are at a disadvantage on the road because of their height, which limits their ability to see or be seen.

A child’s cognitive skills are also limited, which affects their perception of speed and distance.

Creating safer roads by reducing the current speed limit around school zones and improving road infrastructure will lead to a reduction in the number of fatalities due to road traffic collisions and injuries.

ChildSafe South Africa emphasises that various factors contribute to the increased risk, such as inadequate road infrastructure, a lack of supervision, and the necessity for many children to walk as their primary means of transport.

As such, it is important that interventions are implemented to make walking safer, ultimately reducing the vulnerability of pedestrians, especially children.

Traffic calming measures and comprehensive road safety strategies have become an urgent necessity.

Executive Mayor of City of Tshwane, Cilliers Brink says: “In a perfect world, in perfect circumstances road users would be responsible. But unfortunately folks are under pressure especially if you do not have all the means.”

“You have to go to work, you have to catch a taxi, you can't afford to accompany your child to school because you have to go to work. So we have to work with what we have.”

“In ideal circumstances, we wouldn't need a foundation and a sponsorship for us to implement these things. The government should donate.“

“But we are also under pressure, the developmental capacity of this state has been on the road for many years.“

“Our population in Gauteng is growing faster than the economy. If you want one summary of what’s wrong, it is that.“

ChildSafe Executive Director and Spokesperson, Zaitoon Rabaney says: “We continue to advocate for the 30km/h speed restriction around schools as well as environmental modifications that influence driver behaviour to adhere to slower speeds in school areas.”

“Equipping our children and their families with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate roads safely is paramount.”

“Through educational programs, campaigns, and targeted outreach efforts, we can foster a lasting positive impact on the safety culture on our roads, especially around schools, focused on protecting our most vulnerable road users – children.

The WATCH project in Mamelodi will be implemented over the next two years from April 2024 to March 2026 to allow for the rollout of the engineering modifications.

During this time, ChildSafe will be conducting a star-rating assessment of the schools and providing road safety education.

Saul Billingsley, Executive Director of the FIA Foundation says: “The WATCH project showcases the importance of partnership across public, private, and civil organisations to address the leading global cause of child injury deaths, road traffic crashes.”

“These infrastructure assessment and improvements focus on separating children from traffic and slowing road speeds. Every child deserves an education, and to arrive at school safely.”

Sikkie Kajee, Chairman of the AA South Africa says: “This is an important initiative that will ensure improved pedestrian safety for learners at the ten schools.”

“Importantly, the collaboration of all the role-players is an example of what can be achieved when everyone pulls in the same direction for the benefit of learners and road safety.”

“We are excited about the outcomes of the WATCH project and would like to see it replicated throughout the country. That will be our goal after this project is finalised.”