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Crossroads of Peace could bring benefits to Armenia, causing two  problems for Azerbaijan - Armenian premier 


ArmInfo.The Crossroads of Peace project worries Azerbaijan, as this project can bring tens of billions of benefits to Armenia and can potentially create two problems for Baku. This was stated by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at the "Crossroads of Peace:  combining security and democracy" forum in Yerevan on October 12.

"Firstly, if Azerbaijan sincerely thinks that Armenia has aggressive  plans against Azerbaijan in the strategic perspective, this may  create the impression that these tens of billions of dollars can be  used against Azerbaijan.

But the opposite is also true: if Azerbaijan has aggressive  intentions towards Armenia, it may be concerned that these tens of  billions of dollars can be used to increase Armenia's defense  capability, and Azerbaijan may have problems implementing its  aggressive plans against us," the Armenian prime minister said.

In this vein, Pashinyan reiterated that Armenia does not have any  aggressive intentions towards Azerbaijan or the countries of the  region as a whole.

"We recognize the territorial integrity of all our neighbors and are  ready to assume de jure obligations in this matter.

I will say more: Armenia has recorded that we do not even set  ourselves the task of returning our occupied territories by military  means, since the document that we signed with Azerbaijan in the  process of border demarcation provides all the opportunities for the  border demarcation process to take place on a legal, legal basis. In  fact, we are creating all the guarantees, we will continue to follow  this path so that none of our neighbors not only have doubts about  the absence of aggressive intentions, but also have de jure mandatory  guarantees that our country will not pursue an aggressive policy,"  the head of the Armenian Cabinet said.  However, according to him, it  is obvious that Azerbaijan wants Armenia's roads to be suitable for  it, but at the same time, Armenia will continue to be blockaded.  "This is an illogical approach in itself, it is unacceptable for  Armenia," Pashinyan said, adding that Yerevan is ready to ensure  communication between the western regions of Azerbaijan and the  Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

Then the Armenian Prime Minister touched upon the "Crossroads of  Peace" project itself, and stressed that it is in the focus of the  interests of the Republic of Armenia.

At the same time, he rejected the claims of some politicians and  experts that the project was somehow dictated from outside, from the  outside world. "This is simply a consequence of an inadequate  assessment of the situation, since Armenia is more than interested in  this project," he said.

In this vein, he drew attention to the fact that 70 percent or more  of Armenia's borders are immobile, do not serve to ensure the flow of  goods, due to the closure of borders with neighboring Turkey and  Azerbaijan, and the inability to connect to global infrastructure  projects. "The meaning of the project is for Armenia to provide its  territories and contribute to servicing the huge economic flows  passing through our region. This project can be a blessing for our  region, creating economic prerequisites for security and stability,"  Pashinyan said.