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Russian Diaspora: realities and prospects conference kicks off in  Yerevan 


ArmInfo.A conference on the topic "Russian Diaspora:  Realities and Prospects" has started in  Yerevan. It was organized by the Moscow government, the Moscow Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations, the Moscow House of Compatriots and the House of Moscow in Yerevan. 

According to the press service of the House of Moscow in Yerevan,  over 40 participants from 12 countries will discuss current topics  and issues related to the activities and development of compatriot  communities abroad over the course of two days.

During the opening of the event, Vladimir Grinko, Head of the  Department for Work with Compatriots and Information Policy of the  Department of Foreign Economic and International Relations of Moscow,  addressed the participants, reading out a welcoming speech by the  Head of the Department of Foreign Economic and International  Relations of Moscow, Sergei Cheremin: "On behalf of the Government of  Moscow and the Department of Foreign Economic and International  Relations of Moscow, I am pleased to welcome the organizers and  participants of the conference dedicated to the state and prospects  for developing relations with Russian compatriots in European  countries. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the  representatives of the KSORS /Coordinating Union of Organizations of  Russian Compatriots - ed./, participating in the work of the forum  today, for the layer of work that they do, ensuring consistent and  systematic activities in terms of interaction between Moscow and the  countries of their residence, for the promotion of our joint projects  to preserve the unity of the multinational and multi- confessional  Russian world. Meetings of Russian compatriots living in European  countries have become a good and important tradition." 

Speaking about holding another meeting of Russian compatriots in the  capital of Armenia, Grinko emphasized that Moscow and Yerevan  continue to closely cooperate, regularly organizing various events  dedicated to the rich culture and history of the two countries.

The head of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in Armenia,  Vadim Fefilov, also addressed the event participants and noted the  importance of such meetings and discussions for a more productive  organization of the work of Russian compatriots' organizations.  Welcoming those present, the director of the Moscow House of  Compatriots, Dmitry Kozhaev, in turn, spoke about the mechanisms of  interaction between Moscow and Russian compatriots living abroad. 

"The Moscow House of Compatriots is always open to help and support  our compatriots. I am confident that through joint efforts we will be  able to achieve new successes and victories," he emphasized. In turn,  the Manager of the House of Moscow in Yerevan, Hayk Melikyan,  expressed confidence that joint work within the thematic sections  will be an important step towards further strengthening our  interaction and cooperation. He also presented the multifunctional  activities of the House of Moscow, aimed at presenting and  popularizing Russian culture, history and language in Armenia, and  developing centuries-old Russian- Armenian relations.

The opening was also attended by the acting director of the Branch of  the State Autonomous Institution "Moscow House of Compatriots" -  "Moscow House in Yerevan" Oleg Klimov, third secretary of the Russian  Embassy in Armenia Denis Nazarov, director of the Moscow House in  Minsk Vladimir Struchkov, representatives of organizations of Russian  compatriots from different countries of the world.

The current conference is already the fourth such event, uniting  compatriots in different countries. Similar meetings have already  taken place in Minsk, Casablanca and Hong Kong.

As part of the educational sections, representatives of the Russian  diaspora will not only share their experience, but will also be able  to get acquainted with the tools of communication between  representatives of different generations, step-by-step design of  socio-cultural events, communication with young compatriots, creation  of information content, as well as master the methods of promoting  the activities of Russian compatriots abroad in the media and social  media and the art of public speaking.