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U.S forming powerful anti-Russian and anti-Iranian coalition in South  Caucasus - expert 


ArmInfo.The United States is creating a powerful coalition against Russia and Iran in the South  Caucasus. Arthur Khachikyan, doctor of political science at Stanford University in the USA, stated this on the air of the Labirin Karnaukhov program in response to a request to comment on the information that the American military man will work on a permanent basis in the Armenian Ministry of Defense.

The expert emphasized that the West does not hide the goals of its  policy in the South Caucasus and Central Asia - this is the creation  of a Southern Front against Russia, the ousting of Moscow and Tehran  from the region, the subordination of Armenia to Turkey and  Azerbaijan, the surrender of the southern regions of the Republic of  Armenia to create a corridor, which is persistently discussed in  Turkey has been talking lately. "Now the Americans are also  persuading Armenians to do this. After this, Turkey and Azerbaijan  will move towards rapid military-political and economic integration,"  the political scientist said.  In this vein, he drew attention to the  fact that the Azerbaijani army today is being trained according to  NATO standards under the clear leadership of Turkey, which is the  strongest player in the North Atlantic Alliance in the South  Caucasus.

Khachikyan noted that earlier EU Special Representative for the South  Caucasus Toivo Klaar stated that Turkey should dominate the South  Caucasus. "And this means that after the merger of Azerbaijan and  Turkey, a powerful state is created on the southern flank of Russia  with access to the Caspian Sea. That is, NATO enters the Caspian Sea  and further into Central Asia, where they also have their own plans.  They already have a western the front is the Baltic states and  Poland, and this will be the southern front against Russia,"  Khachikyan noted.

Speaking about US interference in the media sphere of Armenia, the  political scientist stated that this has been done for decades,  millions of dollars are being poured into it. "There is a large group  of propagandists working there, teaching Armenians that the best way  out is to surrender Armenia, to submit to the West, because then we  will have a sweet Western life," the expert said.

Khachikyan also considers it interesting that a Pentagon  representative will work in the Armenian Ministry of Defense. "Why is  this happening right now, and for example, not in 2020, when the war  took place in Nagorno-Karabakh, when the Karabakh people were forced  out of their homeland? When no one condemned the participation of  Turkey, Israel, and even Pakistan in this war against the Karabakh  people, the use of chemical weapons, phosphorus weapons? Why then did  America not offer and still does not offer any security guarantees,  any serious military cooperation, or any serious military presence,  but is limited to only these symbolic ones? steps in order to create  the illusion of military cooperation and some kind of security  guarantees," the political scientist is confident.

According to him, the goal of these actions is to squeeze Russia out  of this region using this sauce.  Khachikyan is confident that the  United States is doing exactly as much in relations with Armenia as  cooperation with Turkey allows, since Ankara is a more important  partner for Washington. "That is, without doing anything real, so as  not to quarrel with Turkey, but enough to deceive the Armenian  people, creating the illusion of an alternative, replacing Russia,  pushing it out of there, well, then the conversation will be  completely different," the expert believes.

Khachikyan emphasized that the United States does not have any  strategic interests in Armenia, just as they did not exist 100 years  ago, when they took a mandate for Turkish Armenia, then refused, and  the naive Armenian government was forced to flee when the First  Armenian Republic perished. He added that there is nothing new here.

At the same time, the political scientist expressed bewilderment that  the leadership of Armenia allows itself to be treated this way, and  piece by piece it is handed over to the RA, betraying the interests  of the Armenian people. "This is what is not clear. And what the  United States is doing is quite logical. Very soon there will be a  powerful alliance of Turkey-Azerbaijan-USA-England-Israel - a strong  coalition whose enemy will be Iran and Russia," Khachikyan conclude