Roskomnadzor detected more than 710 million leaked records on Russians
In 2024, Roskomnadzor (RKN) has recorded more than 710 million leaked records of Russians. This was reported by the agency on January 16.
"Roskomnadzor has recorded 135 cases of distribution of databases containing more than 710 million records on the Internet," RIA Novosti quoted the RKN report as saying.
Earlier, on December 18, 2024, Izvestia reviewed data from the digital risk management company BI.ZONE, which shows that the share of espionage attacks on Russian companies has increased by 6%. Often during attacks, hackers also try to disrupt systems, for example, by changing passwords to accounts, the company reported.
Before that, on November 30, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on negotiable fines of up to 3% for companies for leaking users' personal data. Legal entities in case of repeated leakage of personal data are obliged to pay turnover fines of up to 3% of the total revenue. At the same time, the amount should not be less than 20 million rubles and should not exceed 500 million rubles. For individuals, the fine is set at up to Br600 thousand, for officials - up to Br1.2 million.