
В Telegram появилась фишинг-схема с Лягушонком Пепе


At the beginning of 2025, criminals began distributing links to phishing resources and bot programs on the web, allowing them to steal funds from Telegram users' crypto wallets. In particular, malware resources appeared, offering free NFT collectibles with Pepe the Frog and cryptocurrency allegedly as part of a daily giveaway from the Telegram community.

To receive the prizes, you must connect your cryptocurrency wallet to the site, which will eventually lead to the loss of all funds stored on it, experts warned.

"Attackers rarely miss infowars that they can use in their activities. Cryptodrainers are common malware used by cybercriminals to steal cryptocurrency. A user logs into a fake website where they are prompted to sign a transaction, after which their wallet is accessed by malware that quickly empties their account. Scammers also create phishing authorization pages in Telegram, promising users various bonuses and gifts on the theme of Pepe the Frog. In addition, fraudulent crypto-exchange bots are active in the messenger, where funds can only be deposited, but you can't withdraw them," said Maria Sinitsyna, senior analyst at Digital Risk Protection.

Kaspersky Lab experts also identified a new direct deception technique aimed at cryptocurrency owners in different countries, where users are allegedly offered to "buy Telegram Stars cheaper than in the official store with automatic delivery". However, as a result, the user receives nothing and risks instead losing their digital assets, said the expert Olga Svistunova.

Read more in the exclusive material "Izvestia":

Quack toy: a phishing scheme with Pepe the Frog appeared in Telegram