
Forecasters predicted cloudy weather and icy conditions in Moscow on January 16

Cloudy, light precipitation in some places moderate (snow, wet snow and rain), in some places ice, sticking wet snow and ice - such weather expects residents of the capital region on Thursday, January 16. The corresponding forecast is published on the website of the Hydrometeorological Center.

The air temperature in Moscow during the day will vary from 0 to 2 degrees Celsius. At night the thermometer columns will remain at the same level.

In the Moscow region during the day forecasters promise from -3 to 2 degrees, as well as at night.

A westerly wind with a speed of 6-11 m/s is expected.

Atmospheric pressure will be 745-749 mm of mercury column.

Earlier, on January 15, forecaster of the forecasting center "Meteo" Alexander Ilyin admitted the arrival of serious frosts in the central part of Russia, including Moscow. He noted that the entire winter is dominated by west-eastern transports carrying warm air from the Atlantic. In this regard, he said, it would be a mistake to say with a 100% guarantee that frosts will arrive at the end of January.