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Switzerland taken to task over anti-Erdogan banner

Turkish authorities have demanded an investigation into the display of a banner depicting the assassination of Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during a demonstration in Bern. On Saturday, thousands gathered in front of the parliament building in the Swiss capital to demand liberty, rule of law and democracy in Turkey, where the failure of a recent coup d’état has intensified violence and unrest. But while it was a peaceful demonstration, one banner raised the hackles of Turkish authorities: it depicts the Turkish president’s head being targeted by a pistol, along with the words, "Kill Erdogan with his own weapons!". According to a journalist from Swiss News Agency, ATS, who attended the event, the banner was introduced by a group of 150 left-wing separatists. The Turkish government demanded that Switzerland launch a criminal investigation into the display of the banner. It also reproached Switzerland for having authorised a demonstration featuring symbols of ...