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Members of New Romanian Government Announced


The leaders of the two coalition parties – Liviu Dragnea from the Social Democratic Party (PSD) and Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu from the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE), who are forming the new Romanian government, as well as the appointed Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu, announced on Tuesday the members of the new government, which will start work after it is approved by Parliament.

Theodore Meleshkanu from ALDE will continue to be Romania’s Foreign Minister but he will also head the Foreign Intelligence Service.

The new Justice Minister will be Florin Iordache from PSD, former chairman of the lower chamber of deputies.

ALDE has received four portfolios in the new government, as well as one of the Deputy Prime Minister positions.

The agreement was reached during negotiations between PSD and ALDE.

The would-be ministers will be heard by the respective commissions and Parliament on Wednesday.

If they are approved, they will be sworn in on the same day in the presence of Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis.