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Bulgaria's Interior Ministry Warns Against Travelling on January 5-7


Chief Directorate National Police has called on drivers not to travel during the period January 5-7 unless it is extremely necessary, announced the press centre of the Interior Ministry.

At the end of the working week, heavy snowfall is expected all over the country. Due to complicated weather conditions, heavy vehicles weighing more than 12 tonnes will be banned from traffic on republican roads from 09:00 hrs on January 5 to 09:00 hrs on January 7 in order to prevent traffic jams and ensure normal operation of snow-cleaning equipment, as well as the lives and safety of passengers.

Drivers are advised not to travel at the end of the week due to heavy snowfall, strong winds and very low temperatures. Drivers are also reminded to travel with winter tyres, full fuel tanks and charged telephone batteries, avoid speeding and pay attention to road conditions.