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Bulgaria's Media Watchdog Sides with Public Radio on Music Royalties


The Council on Electronic Media (CEM) of Bulgaria has expressed concern with the news that no contemporary music will be airead by the BNR, the country's the public radio broadcaster.

The audience's rights will be infringed by the move, which follows the unilateral suspension of a contract between the radio and one of the biggest composers' and labels' unions, Musicautor, according to the CEM.

Aleksandar Velev, the broadcasrer's head, said on Friday Musicautor had demanded a steep increase in royalties which the radio, however, cannot afford.

While CEM cannot interfere in relations between the broadcaster and copyright unions, it notes the public radio's position as "an important cultural institution with a huge and long-time contribution" to the creation, recording, preservation and distribution of music of all genres.

There is "public interest" in diverse music being present in the BNR programs, the CEM has noted.