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Attorneys to provide free legal advice to public


As part of the annual Access to Justice week, 60 attorneys have joined the Department of Justice in offering free legal advice to the public at various centres throughout the country.


Cape Town - Access to justice is an ongoing battle for women and children from disadvantaged communities, and free legal advice may make things a little easier.

As part of the annual Access to Justice week, 60 attorneys have joined the Department of Justice in offering free legal advice to the public at various centres throughout the country.

With the help of the police, 16 areas were identified as top stations where domestic violenceand sexual offences were prevalent, including Bonteheuwel, Eastridge, Bredasdorp and Atlantis.

“I have unreservedly supported the programme for seven years now. We designate several of our advocates to be spread across the province.

“It is about taking ownership of the matter. It’s not only about free legal advice,” said Tanya Golden, Cape Bar chairwoman

“I’m fully supportive of the theme and I’m glad to see it focuses on women.

“I’m hoping to spend Wednesday in Bonteheuwel. I, personally, want to spend the whole day, hopefully,” added Golden.

These services are one-on-one interactions with qualified legal practitioners. Each practitioner picks it up as a pro bono matter and carry it through until it’s done, said regional head of the department of justice, Hishaam Mohamed.

“In terms of Wills Day, every community has demanded such services. They feel that initially people thought Wills are for people with lots of resources, lots of assets and it’s not necessary for the poor.

“But these are experiences which we also got from communities that it’s to create harmony in the community, so that people do not fight over pots and pans during the period of mourning,” Mohamed said.

“It often happens in our community because of the absence of a Will or perceptions of the community.”

“The past week highlights all the behind-the-scenes work done by the justice department and Legal Aid South Africa,” said Donna Fortuin from Legal Aid South Africa.

The”Wills Day” will take place on Tuesday from 9.30am-3.30pm and “Access to Justice Day” isscheduled for on Wednesday from 9am-3.30pm.

Cape Argus