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Swiss reporter honoured for prolific Olympics coverage

Peter A. Frei has covered 24 Olympic games during the course of his career as a sports journalist.  Only Italian journalist Giuliano Bevilacqua has covered more Olympic games, with 25 under his belt. Both men were honoured in Rio on Monday by the International Sports Press Association (AIPS)  for their lifelong contributions to sports journalism. The first games Frei covered were in Sapporo, Japan, in the winter of 1972. During his impressive career, Frei witnessed the dramatic hostage-taking at the Munich Olympics in the summer of 1972, and he even carried the Olympic torch himself in 2004. The 72-year-old veteran journalist, from the German-speaking region of Switzerland, is the long-time leader of Sportinformation Switzerland, a news service that was integrated with Swiss news agency ATS in early 2016. At the AIPS event on Monday, Frei left it an open question as to whether he will be covering the winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea, in 2018.