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Bulgaria's Trade with Third Countries Plummets in 1st Half of 2016


Both imports and exports of Bulgaria with non-EU countries fell considerably over the first two quarters of 2016, preliminary statistics suggest.

Exports for that period decreased by 15.1% compared to the period of January-June, 2015, amounting to BGN 7.0157 B.

Main export partners were Turkey, China, Macedonia, Serbia, Russia and the United States. These countries accounted for 51.2% of Bulgaria's exports to non-EU countries.

The largest growth was reported in the section "Miscellaneous manufactured articles" (27.2%), while the biggest drop was in "Beverages and tobacco" (38.7%).

Imports dropped by 16.5%, adding up to BGN 7.8276 B.

The largest amounts were reported for goods imported from Russia, Turkey, China and Ukraine.

The section "Miscellaneous manufactured articles" (18.3%) was where the largest growth was reported, while the most notable fall was in "Crude materials, inedible (except fuel)", at 42.4%.

The foreign trade balance of Bulgaria (export FOB - import CIF) with third countries in the period January - June 2016 was negative and added up to BGN 811.9 M BGN. The trade balance at FOB/FOB prices (after elimination of transport and insurance costs on imports) was also negative and amounted to BGN -287.3 M.