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Pride and caution on the menu for National Day

  On Swiss National Day, the country’s leaders sent a customary message of pride in the homeland but also reminded citizens of the tough challenges such as terrorism and migration. The speeches by members of the Swiss cabinet who criss-cross the country, reminding people of Switzerland’s values, achievements and challenges, combined with the more celebratory rituals of August 1 enjoyed not just across Switzerland but also by Swiss associations abroad. The Swiss grilled cervelat sausages, painted lanterns with Swiss crosses and set off fireworks during social get-togethers, whether at home, in public places, on the banks of lakes or rivers or in farmyards for a traditional brunch. Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann said in his annual speech to the Swiss abroad on Monday that the country is “proud of its citizens, near and far” and is tightening relations between all of them through e-voting and a new online platform launching in October. He recalled one of ...