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ANC fumes after Zuma poster defaced

ANC fumes after Zuma poster defaced

The ANC in the Western Cape is seeing red after an election poster with President Jacob Zuma’s face on it was defaced.


The ANC in the Western Cape is seeing red after an election poster with President Jacob Zuma’s face on it was defaced.

The ruling party said on Wednesday it would investigate the vandalism of its campaign posters in Fish Hoek and “close the fence on such hooligans”.

On Tuesday, a sticker was spotted on Zuma’s poster at a Caltex garage reading: “Tsek jou n***.”

ANC provincial secretary Faiez Jacobs says: “We view such acts, particularly messages on the stickers pasted on our posters, as a sign of political intolerance and lack of respect for the democratic space which the masses of our people have fought and bled for.


“As the ANC we are going to begin an investigation, including looking into CCTV footage so as to quickly close the fence on such hooligans, and where such hooliganism has a tacit endorsement from a political party, we will request the IEC to impose punitive measures in line with elections codes that we have all committed ourselves to during these elections.”

ANC Western Cape spokesperson Yonela Diko said it appears the vandalism was an organised campaign.

“We are investigating the matter, it looks organised,” he says.

Jacobs also took a swipe at the Democratic Alliance, who controls the Fish Hoek ward.

He said: “There is no area in this province and country that is an exclusive enclave of any particular group of South Africans and despite the Democratic Alliance working hard to preserve enclaves for their constituencies, the clock is ticking on such divisiveness.

“We are even more certain now that a Cape New Society must arise after the DA has fallen on 3rd August.”

“This City and Province belongs to all who live in it, black and white.”

DA Western Cape media manager, Anneke Scheepers responded: “The DA is a party for all that stands for freedom, fairness and opportunity. As such, these alleged ‘enclaves’ exist only in Faiez Jacobs’ mind. The DA will not sanction nor endorse vandalism of any kind. It is however quite clear that the voters in the Cape Metro do not want the ANC because they are out of touch and just can’t get it together.”

Daily Voice