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VivaCell-MTS supports house construction in Kaqavadzor


The heads and employees of VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing participated in the construction of the half-built house of Khachatryan family in Kaqavadzor village of Aragatsotn region. The volunteers helped the family to fill insulating gravel in the roof and did concreting works.

The eldest of the Khachatryans' sons has just returned from military service passing the turn to his younger brother. Nine years ago, after having lived in a metal container for 20 years, the family started the construction of their own house, with the conviction that they would be able to realize the dream.

''When I got married, we lived in my parental house, together with my brother’s family. The house was small, so we moved to the metal container and lived there for all these years. My youngest son was born there. As my sons grew up, so did the expenses of the family, and I could not afford finishing the construction of our half-built house. I am grateful for helping us to realize the long-awaited dream,'' said Melkon Khachatryan, the father of the family.

Owing to the housing project of VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, more than a hundred families have already experienced the joy of having a comfortable home. Through this project, families are given an opportunity to finish the construction of their half-built houses and/or repair the roof, which is most important in preserving the housing stock, but presents a huge burden for the families due to its high cost.

"Each time I meet a family benefitting from the housing program and see their emotions and feelings, I realize that strong emotions are characteristic of strong people. They have gone through hardships silently and with dignity, hoping and searching for solutions. Today their efforts have been crowned with success. I must confess that the hope of these people makes our conviction in the necessity of this program even stronger. Every single problem solved in our country is our common victory," said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

''Since 2007, it is already the 14th housing project implemented with the support of VivaCell-MTS in Aragatsotn region. The beneficiaries of the program have different problems, but the heaviest burden for all of them is the housing problem. These families need just a pillar for improving their lifestyle, and that pillar is the newly-built home, which will house many generations,'' said Fuller Center for Housing President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

In 2016, VivaCell-MTS allocated about AMD 105 million for the housing project (in 2015, AMD 100 million was invested). By the end of the year, the number of the families assisted in the frames of the housing project since 2007 will reach to 134.