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Boost your brand with a blog

Boost your brand with a blog

A blog can be personal or corporate and is an easy way to communicate and connect with your audience, writes Jenny Handley.


Scared of being declared a dinosaur by those who work with me, I decided to first understand the value of social media, and to then embrace it.

Read also: Become your own brand coach

While anyone can blog and there is no barrier to entry, if you conduct all blog activities in a professional manner, it can boost your business. It needs to have a plan, and needs to be integrated with any other communication, plus be authentic.

A blog provides a platform for you to share your views and knowledge, and to communicate with the public at large. For the uninitiated, it is a type of website or part of a website that can be maintained by an individual. Through this dialogue you may make good contacts and develop a more recognised profile.

I regularly recommend this platform to leaders in establishing their own brand and in boosting the company brand. If you write about your area of expertise, you could instantly or eventually become more influential in your industry.

A blog can be thought of as a quick and easy online journal or diary, and can be used to elevate your ranking in search engines.

Consider how you could blog - should it be merely in your industry perspective, or could you allow a successful part-time pastime or sport to pique the interest of possible visitors and readers?

Be clever. Write well, reflect your personality and invite a reaction. Develop dialogue first and then ensure that you develop a relationship with your audience.

Remember to make yourself distinctive in the world of information overload. Think of the eyes looking at your writing, and then aim to be:

* Impressive

* Informative

* Interactive

The setting up of a blog is easy, and so is the maintenance. Do not be intimidated – starting a blog is simple. There are easy options such as WordPress. Once you are on the website you would simply register and follow the instructions the website provides for setting up your blog – it tells you step by step what you need to do.

Post regularly and use visuals effectively.


* Regular entries or commentary can be graphics, text, images and links.

* It is interactive so you may respond to comments.

* It can be personal or corporate.

* Internally it can enhance communication and the company culture, and externally can be used as part of marketing.

* Always consider your target market – who will be reading your blog and what perceptions you are creating for your personal brand.

Jenny Handley is a brand, high performance and leadership specialist who offers individual consultations and team workshops. For information on Jenny’s books and courses visit Follow Jenny on Twitter: Jenny_Handley and Facebook: Jenny Handley Performance Management.