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Karl Urban Says He'd Be Down For A 'Dredd' Sequel On Netflix Or Amazon


In the era of the internet, nothing really dies. A TV show that was swiftly cancelled, or a movie that did less than blockbuster numbers might disappear in the short term, but if it appears to have enough of a niche, cult audience that shout loud enough, it’s entirely possible that it’ll come back. It’s why we’ve seen revivals of “Firefly,” “Veronica Mars,” “Arrested Development” and similar shows, and it’s why movies as different as “Anchorman” and “John Wick” got sequels.

READ MORE: Alex Garland Says "Keep Your Money" And Stop Buying 'Dredd' DVDs Because A Sequel Will Not Happen

So despite “Dredd,” the 2012 adaptation of the classic 2000AD comic character Judge Dredd, tanking hard at the box office on its release, fans have never quite given up hope that there’d be further installments of the fascistic, helmeted future cop on screen. Among them, actor Karl Urban, who’s just suggested another possible route on Twitter.

The “Lord Of The Rings” star, who’ll...