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Why Closer Seoul-Beijing Ties Are in Limbo

SEOUL, South Korea -- The two met back in 2005 for the first time. Neither of them were then at the heights of power. But they kept in contact. There was good chemistry in their relations -- so it was said by the people near and around them. In due course, they became the top leaders of their countries, almost at the same time, in 2013. It could have been expected then that Presidents Park Geun-hye of the Republic of Korea and Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China would further promote good relations between the countries they had come to lead.

Indeed, President Park did not lose time in making a state visit to Beijing, one of the first acts after her inauguration. Relations between Korea and China had already been going well because of the economic ties that had developed over recent decades. China is South Korea's largest trading partner; South Korea is China's fourth-largest trading partner. If for economic reasons alone, good relations with China are a must for Korea.
