Sam Raimi To Direct 'World War 3'
While Sam Raimi has been keeping his skills sharp lately on television, helming episodes of "Rake" and "Ash vs Evil Dead," it doesn't mean the director is shying away from ambition. Three years on from "Oz The Great And Powerful," Raimi is putting together a slate of projects that are certainly eyebrow raising. Last month, we learned he'll be tackling a remake of Jacques Audiard's "A Prophet," and now he's got another ambitious effort in the works.
Over at Warner Bros., Raimi is now attached to helm "World War 3," and you can probably guess what it'll be about. The movie will be based on the non-fiction book "The Next 100 Years," by George Friedman, who is professionally paid to think about what lays ahead, and it's pretty bleak/more of the same. Basically, politics are still awful, just the players are expected to change. Here's the book synopsis:
A fascinating, eye-opening and often shocking look at what lies ahead for...