Новости по-русски

Берлинский вагон в московском метро


Фейсбук принёс картинку со словами "в Москве отреставрировали почти 100–летний вагон метро — восьмидверный вагон метро "В", 1927 года выпуска!"

Вагон необычный, я таких не видел, кажется, никогда. Довольно быстро выяснилось почему: трофейный вагон оказался, из Берлина вывезен. И даже карту берлинского метрополитена под более поздней обивкой нашли.

In Moscow, a nearly 100–year–old metro car has been restored — the eight–door "B" metro car, manufactured in 1927!
This is the only surviving example in the world of the 120 cars produced. Before reaching Moscow, it first had to "work" in the Berlin subway. On May 2, 1945, along with other cars, it ended up flooded in a tunnel. And after the end of the war, it went to work in the Moscow subway. In 1968, it was sent "into retirement"
How the restoration took place:
???? Transport Museum specialists studied archival photographs and documents
???? Under a layer of later upholstery, original wooden interior trim and many artifacts were discovered. For example, signs and a map of the Berlin subway.
???? Part of the interior was made of valuable wood, and the missing handles and lamps were cast in bronze and chromed using 1927 technology
The restorers still have to restore the driver's cabin, make handrails and glass for the roof skylight.

PS. Отдельно понравилось это "it went to work in the Moscow subway".

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