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ФАС выявила картель в сфере ЖКХ на сумму более 827 млн рублей

The FAS revealed a cartel in the housing and utilities sector for more than 827 million rubles, the press service of the antimonopoly authority reported on September 24.

"Six companies are suspected by the antimonopoly authority of collusion in the tenders held in the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and the Republic of Mari El. FAS of Russia initiated a case of violation of antimonopoly legislation in relation to LLC "Vivat", LLC "Kvadrat", LLC "Noveko", LLC "Vavilon", LLC "Ecoservice" and LLC "Fregat", - said in FAS.

According to the preliminary assessment of the agency, the implementation of the cartel took place in the course of at least 31 procurement procedures and allowed its participants to conclude government contracts for a total amount of 827,855,212 rubles.

Some of the trade procedures were conducted within the framework of the national project "Housing and Urban Environment".

In case the companies are found guilty, they will face negotiable fines.

September 19, FAS issued a warning to the largest supplier of tobacco products. This is about JSC "TC "Megapolis". According to the agency, the company's actions may lead to infringement of the interests of counterparties and contain signs of violation of the law on protection of competition.