Новости по-русски

Около четверти россиян отметили ухудшение зрения из-за недосыпа и усталости


"SBER EAPTECA and the World Vision ophthalmology clinic conducted a survey and found out what negative factors adversely affecting eyesight residents of megacities have to deal with most often and what protective measures Russians use to keep their eyes healthy. The results of the survey were presented to Izvestia on Tuesday, September 24.

The majority of respondents (76%) noted prolonged interaction with the screens of digital devices as the most negative factor affecting eyesight. According to the chief physician, ophthalmologist and laser surgeon of the World Vision clinic Zarina Kurachinova, this is confirmed in the practice of specialists.

"In the modern world, almost every inhabitant of a megalopolis faces the negative impact of digital technologies on vision. Thus, every second patient comes to our clinic for dry and tired eyes, with complaints of headaches and problems with focusing", - said the doctor.

The second place was occupied by stress, sleep deprivation and fatigue - they were named by almost a quarter of respondents (24%). Working in a poorly lit or over-lit room was chosen by 10%, the impact of dry air: air conditioners, fans, heating - 8%, 2% each named long driving trips and long stay in the bright sun without protection, another 1% of respondents did not choose any of the listed options.

At the same time, over a quarter of respondents (26%) chose regular eye protection from external influences and the sun as the most popular way to maintain healthy eyesight. Another 24% said that they avoid reading and working in poorly lit rooms, 22% admitted that they keep clean and try not to touch their eyes with dirty hands. Among other common ways to preserve eyesight 19% of Russians noted the use of special moisturizing drops for eyes.

As emphasized ophthalmologist Kurachinova, in order to preserve vision for many years, it is necessary to adhere to a few simple rules.

"First of all, limit the time spent behind screens, and when working for a long time, use glasses with a blue light filter and take short breaks every 20 minutes. Normalize your sleep patterns, as lack of sleep increases fatigue and eye strain. Use moisturizing drops - they will help to cope with dry eyes caused by air conditioning and heating systems. Watch your lighting, work only in soft, diffused light, and avoid overly bright lamps. Finally, have regular annual check-ups with an ophthalmologist, even if you have no complaints about your eyesight. This will allow you to identify problems in time and prevent their development," she advised.

Earlier, on August 9, Roman Ivanov, an expert doctor of the laboratory "Hemotest" Roman Ivanov told "Izvestia" that it is impossible to correct vision by any special exercises. Certain foods will not help either. At the same time, he noted that it is much more effective to consult with an ophthalmologist, take tests and, if necessary, additionally take vitamins that are useful for the eyes - B2 (it strengthens the blood vessels of the eyeball), A (helps visual acuity at night), B1 (helps nerve impulses travel faster from the brain to the optic nerves), as well as vitamin C (it improves the flow of oxygen to the cornea and retina).