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A Concord Platinum Trophy hunter came back from the grave to destroy the meme of 69 (nice) players achieving plat


Players weren't left a lot of time to process Concord's imminent passing—Sony only gave everyone a couple of days' notice before dragging the servers offline. But within the chaos stood the few who saw a challenge of platinum-ing the game before it was gone, and some of them actually managed to do it. 

There were only 100 levels for players to get through in Concord, each one giving out a cosmetic item of some sort, but that's not what these mavericks were angling for. Instead, some players wanted to grind them out for the sake of completing the game, and the platinum trophy that comes with the honour. 

This meant the last few days of Concord's life were a confusing muddle of some players trying to enjoy what time they had left, butting their heads with completionist nihilists throwing themselves off cliffs to grind XP. I joined in on some of the last shreds of chaos, entering a few Rivalry games to see what all the fuss was about, and as expected, I had teammates throwing themselves off the map, going AFK, or just wandering around until someone put them out of their misery. It was a bit of a weird experience, but to be fair, I did level up surprisingly quickly, so the race for platinum wasn't utterly impossible. 

In the end, a whopping 69 players got the platinum trophy, ending Concord on a pretty fitting note. While some players didn't find this as funny as others, the overwhelming discourse was "nice." A joke thread on r/Games even got shut down by a mod as it didn't have "enough substance" - pretty much all of the now removed comments were just "nice" or "noice." 

But nothing good ever lasts long, as someone decided to step in and put the joke to rest. One trophy hunter managed to rewrite the final plat score to 70 by creating a psn account post-Concord shutdown. "Ban this guy immediately from the platform," one player joked

Although unrelated to the platinum trophy hunt, someone else also revealed that there are still adverts going on for Concord: "[Sony] did some collab with a pizza bran here in Korea, the collab menus are still available lol." All the pizzas on the menu actually look pretty good, but sadly, the promo finished yesterday, so I guess I'll never know what a limited-edition Concord pizza tastes like.